Mating rabbits for guaranteed obtaining good offspring

Rabbits, universally recognized, are considered a symbol of fertility. And it really is! One healthy rabbit can bring from seven to ten rabbit in one offspring. Up to five okrolov occurs annually. There were cases of rabbits to forty individuals from one rabbit per year. Of course, such increased reproduction can negatively affect the female. Usually with mating rabbits there are no problems.

This article will tell the newcomer to the rabbit about the mating of rabbits, their optimal age for propagation and how to choose males and females for reproduction. We will also touch on some more nuances that are very important in rabbit breeding.

How to choose rabbits for a mate?

By four months, rabbits are quite ready for reproduction. However, if you want to get a healthy offspring and preserve health to the female, then it is recommended to allow females to be a mating no earlier than a five -month age. Males should be at least seven months from the genus. It is believed that in order for the rabbits to have larger newborn rabbits, and she also had an abundance of milk for their feeding, it must be allowed to okrole at the age of one year. Then the offspring will be stronger and healthy.

If you decide to seriously engage in rabbit breeding, then you need to keep a special diary in which all offspring from each rabbit will be recorded, as well as all observations of their behavior during feeding. For subsequent letters, it is worth choosing rabbit with maximum offspring and the best indicators of feeding.

There are times that rabbits get rid of the cubs, eating them. If you have such an incident, then this rabbit needs to be removed from the tribal herd.

In addition, each individual of your tribal farm should have special stencils on cells, which contains complete information about this animal — the date of birth, the nickname, the breed of its parents, the date of the bsules and okrolov, the number of rabbits in each okrol (also indicate how many stillborn, If they were).

Make sure that the animals are ready for mating. Too fat -fired rabbits lose interest in mating, so conception is difficult. Rabbits with low weight do not tolerate pregnancy, kids are born weak. If your rabbit has a small weight, then a couple of weeks before mating, feed it with fresh hay, boiled potatoes with bran, oats, without allowing, however, its obesity.

If mating was successful, then males who gave the highest fertilization of females, as well as females, distinguished by the highest offspring, are used to breed rabbits for five years. Less successful males are “exploited” for about three years, and females — about four years. Their further use for propagation is not rational, so they go to slaughter.

Propagation of rabbits. How to determine the readiness of the female for a merciful?

Propagation of rabbits at home is carried out by planting females in a cage to a male. If you do the opposite, then the rabbit will master the new room for a long time, instead of engaging in mating. In addition, before planting a female in a cage to a male, a feeder and a drinker with water should be removed from it. It is important that the mating is carried out during the hunting period of the female. In winter, it occurs every nine days and lasts up to five days. In the summer of the year, the hunting period occurs every six days. The rabbit who came to hunt shows some signs:

She behaves uneasily, even sometimes somewhat aggressive;

growls and scratches, can bite;

If it is stroked on the back, then it stretches, raising a little ass;

loses appetite;

the genitals are slightly swelling and become rose.

Being in the hunting period, the female easily allows a male to her. The mating itself passes very quickly, literally within a few seconds. After which the rabbit falls off on its side and makes a specific squeak. It is recommended to leave the female on a “guest” for another five minutes to repeat an attempt to mate. It is not recommended to leave it for a longer time, as this can lead to a loss of male strength.

In five days, you can make repeated mating. However, if the rabbit does not allow a rabbit, it will be aggressive and shy, then the first attempt was successful and the female became pregnant. The females may also testify to her nervous excitement, some aggressiveness, shyness, constant readiness to twist their nest from different sticks, hay, shreds and paper. Rabbichi’s pregnancy flows 31 days, but in some females, childbirth can occur after 27 days. It all depends on the individual characteristics, physical health of the rabbit. A few days after the spin, the female is ready for mating again.

In the summer of the year, it is recommended to melt rabbits in the morning or evening hours. In the winter months, mating, usually conducted during the day. When breeding rabbits, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, including the fact that females are reluctant to propagate in the summer heat. The winter season requires special caring for rabbits, since there is a threat of freezing of small rabbits, if you are poorly heated, the birth of physically weak offspring with improper diet, diseases with insufficient vaccination, etc. D.