Where to start building a house?

And only the sea obey the sea- sung in the song. In order to decide to build your own home, only a brave and confident person will decide. The developer spent quite a few money, effort, nerves and time in order to complete the process that has begun. But the result will surpass all expectations when every corner of the house will be, what the future owner of the house dreamed of seeing him. The only thought will inspire self -confidence in him. And in order to build a house, be sure to build it with basic rules and the requirements of construction.

In order to build a house, you should carefully consider everything. After all, such decisions cannot be made in one minute. Typically, thoughts about construction are pondered for a very long time, pictures of the future house are drawn, every moment of construction is planned. It all starts with the plan! The developer takes a pencil and begins to draw a future house or cottage, pondering the layout of rooms, baths. Thoroughly considers how and where the windows and doors will be located. Having generated the idea, the future owner of the house meets with an architect and shares his idea and desires with him. The work of the architect is to draw up an exact plan of the future home. In it, he must necessarily take into account the location, the features of the landscape are many little things that are very important in the construction of houses and cottages. Some believe that they can build and plan the project on their own, or take their favorite project on the Internet. But to this t approach with caution. Because if you do not take into account the nuances of the terrain, soil can be made a mistake during construction and, as a result, the house is washed to be shaky, it will constantly have to repair and finalize it. The smart owner will entrust planning to a professional and will be able to calmly collect various permits. In the absence of the necessary documents, it is forbidden to start building a house.

The day has come when all preparatory affairs are completed. All documents are executed, and the architect completed the project of the future home, everyone likes the plan and the developer begins to build a house.

The construction of any house begins with the foundation. The foundation can be of different types: monolithic, strip or pile. Choosing a suitable foundation, builders begin work. They dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building and fill cement. Pouring can occur in different ways. It all depends on the chosen type of foundation. To protect the basement and basement from groundwater, the base is strengthened with insulating materials.

Any foundation filling begins to build outlets around the future house. Oblaskoy is called wooden pillars with nailed boards, which are 20 cm above the future foundation, 1 meter from the edges of the pit prepared for the foundation. Sometimes builders for saving material make an intermittent cloth. They pull the wire on the boards so that it coincides with the axes and faces of the future walls of the building. For the accuracy of marking the corners of the foundation, special «Egyptian triangles» are used. The ratio of the parties, which is 3: 4: 5. And the angle of 90 degrees form sides 3 and 4. The builders act simply, they make a triangle or boards or pull the ropes from the right angle. In order to correctly fill the foundation, check whether the vertical marks in the corners of the house should be the same. To do this, use the hydraulicarian or you can use the usual watering hose.

To do this, you need to do the following actions: dial tinted water in the hose; In both ends of the hoses, insert glass tubes; and monitor the movement of fluid in the tubes. If the water level coincides, then the horizontal is set, correct.

By laying the foundation, we can say that the beginning of the construction of the house is laid. Very little remained: build a house.

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Where to start building a house?

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