Calculation of the bathroom tiles — how not to make a mistake in the amount

The question of how to make a calculation of the bathroom tiles invariably faces everyone who is going to make repairs in the bathroom. At first glance, this may not seem completely complicated, however, as in any work, there are nuances here, which will be described below.

Calculation of tiles for the bathroom — lay out the walls in one color

How to properly put tiles in the bathroom — video

The most important stage in determining the desired amount of tiles is measurements of the area. Everything is simple here — a roulette is taken, with the help of which the distance from the right corner to the left is measured. This must be done both in the floor and the ceiling, because, as you know, the walls in most houses very rarely have perfect proportions. Thus, the width is determined. The same is done for measuring the height, only measurements are made from the upper right to the lower right angle; with the left part of the wall comes in the same way. If the numbers will vary (and, most likely it will happen), then for calculations it is worth choosing a large one of them. Then the area of ​​the wall is calculated — that is, the height is multiplied by the width. The same manipulations are done for all other walls. Measurements at the wall where the bath is or will be located, are made from its side up. In addition, from the resulting value, you need to subtract the area of ​​the door and (if there) the auditory window.

Next, you should decide on which size the tile will be laid out and on the basis of this calculate the right amount. For example, if the size of one fragment is 20×30 cm, the total area of ​​walls (in meters) must be divided by 0.06 m2. If the area of ​​the cladding is 12 m2, then 200 fragments will be needed to work. However, as a rule, there is no need to make such specific calculations, since in most cases the tiles are packaged in boxes in the amount necessary for facing one square meter.

When buying tiles to the right amount, about 15% should be added (that is, multiply the resulting number by 1.15) — this is done in order to make a reserve in case of an undercut and damage to the tile.

How to calculate the tile for the bathroom — flooring

The video demonstrates the basics and technologies of laying ceramic tiles

Determining the number of tiles for the floor is even easier. The length and width (on both sides) are measured and the area is calculated in large numbers. If the width of the bathroom is 2.5 m, and the length is 3 m, then the area will be 7.5 m2. In most cases, floor tiles have dimensions 30×30 cm, therefore, 83.3 tiles will be needed to work. In such cases, the amount is rounded to a larger number, that is, you need to purchase 84 tiles. In addition, as in the case of wall cladding, you need to make a reserve. However, its size should be no more than 10%.

About whether the laying of floor tiles is needed under the bathroom is often hot disputes. But most masters of the tile still advise to fill this space with tiles. After all, if water falls over the bath, then it will be very problematic to remove it from the “naked” floor. For the same reason, some finishes put a row of tiles extreme at the wall at a slight angle. This will help the water drain away from the wall and facilitate cleaning. If the repair budget is limited, then under the bath (especially if it is planned to install the screen) you can put the most inexpensive tile.

Calculation of bathroom tiles with multi -colored styling

It often happens that you need to lay out the walls with tiles of two colors. For example, the lower part is finished with brown tiles, and the upper is beige. In most cases, the border between these colors is laid out by curbs, or, as they are sometimes called, “boars”. The number of borders is easiest to calculate — for this the perimeter of the bathroom is divided into width of one fragment. Next, the number of dark and light tiles is calculated. This is done according to the same scheme as when laying out a single -color pattern, but with some nuances. First of all, the height of the styling of the lower rows is determined and marked on the wall. Then, taking into account the height of the border, according to the same scheme, the number of tiles for the upper rows is calculated.

If the tile is laid out in a checkerboard pattern, as is often done when working with black and white tiles, then the calculation is carried out in the same way as when laying down the walls in one tone. The amount of white and black tiles should be equal. If the walls are monochrome, but decorated, for example, with 3D tiles or ceramic panels, then the area of ​​the inserts must be subtracted from the number of tiles required for all walls.

The correct calculation of the desired amount of tile is very important. It may happen that the store does not have the required tile, and you have to wait for its supply or buy a tile of a different color. It is undesirable to buy an extra amount too — you have to waste time returning the goods, and it is not a fact that the seller will accept surplus. Therefore, sometimes for accurate calculation of the tile it is better to resort to online programs created for this purpose.