The coating determines everything!

How the attitude to the design of the house is changing as it is built? The better to clad walls? How to make a choice between tiles and porcelain tiles?

Change the performance.

For many owners of their own houses, even in the process of construction, it seems that the main thing is to build walls. But then, when the house is already gaining its outlines, as if a desire arises for itself so that the decoration at the house is appropriate. In the sense of protecting the walls and looks attractive!

No doubt, the market today offers a lot of materials that satisfy such requirements. They differ in material, structure, price and method of attachment to the wall. Someone goes along the verified path-faces part of the wall with tiles. Someone decides to buy Atlas Concorde. This, despite the price. But it looks beautiful.

The wall has a character!

Actually, when deciding on wall decoration, it is worth remembering that this, too, will not be the last stage in bringing the house to the state that we would like. After all, there will be a desire to hang something on the wall, strengthen … If this circumstance is not taken into account, problems may arise later. Therefore, many refuse tiles and turn to the decoration of porcelain. A little more complicated, but it looks solid, and then the further attachment to the wall of various elements passes much easier and easier.

Although it is worth, of course, to remember that much also depends on the functional purpose of the room, still tiles are something official, and the same porcelain tile is something more warm, homemade. In general, you have to think and choose.