The preparation of soil for the lawn is one of the main stages of the clearing of the meadow

The arrangement of the site before laying the lawn is an important and most time -consuming component of the technology of its device. A careless attitude to work at this stage of work can cross out all subsequent efforts.

Soil preparation for the lawn is an important stage of the lawn on the lawn

Ennoble the soil before planting the lawn

The site should be not only beautiful, but also easy to care. To do this, you need to know not only about how to prepare the earth for the lawn, plant grass and grow dense turf, but also about how to plan the site correctly.

Traditionally, the meadow gives a square or rectangular shape, but landscape experts say that objects that are improperly defined in straight lines look most easy to care and attractive.

It is possible to grow a thick carpet of grass on a not very steep slope, but more often a flat sunny site is selected. It is desirable that it is shaded by neighboring buildings or trees maximum four hours a day.

Good grass will not grow under the trees, although you can try to saw off the lower branches to open access to the sun’s rays, less often water, less cut and monitor soil aeration. You should not choose poorly drained areas, it is better to break the flowerbed there.

In order to further simplify the operation of haircuts of grass, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules at the planning stage:

The shape of the site should not have complex bends and sharp corners;

Do not have heavy flower pots, flower beds, benches, etc. p.;

The lawn between flower beds and paths should not be too narrow, at least 1 m;

It is better to saw off or even remove the trees hanging low over the grass;

It is necessary to leave a sufficient distance for the passage of the lawn mower between the lawn and walls, fences, raised paths, trees; In these places you can arrange low borders from paving slabs or bricks;

Paths made of flat stones look good in the clearing, but their level should be below the soil level.

Several ways to prepare land

Having chosen a place for sowing grass, it is cleared from stones and garbage. Work begins in April-May. At this time it is already warm enough, and the soil still contains the required amount of moisture.

The uneven surface of the site should be trimmed. The future look of the clearing depends on this largely. Bugorks are torn with a grip, and the hollows are covered with earth, the lumps are broken, the soil is evenly distributed over the surface, they are slightly dug up, packed or rolls in a roller.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the quality of the earth. If it is too heavy, sand poured; If, on the contrary, too light, sandy, under a layer of fertile soil, arrange a pillow of clay with a thickness of 10 cm. Poor, insufficiently fertile soils improve compost. If the imported land is used, it is leveled and compacted at least a month before landing. During this time, in some places it will certainly go, which will require additional pouring the soil.

Next, the herbicides of the universal action are introduced and everything is dug to the depth of the fertile layer (for this you can use both ordinary tools and a miracle lopata or motoblock), simultaneously choosing all the roots, especially from difficult to weeds (mokritsa, clover, dandelion, nywan). After this work is stopped, and the land is left under the steam for 1-2 months.

When 7-10 days remains in the area, complex mineral fertilizers are evenly scattered around the site (in accordance with the chemical soil), the surface is loosened by a cultivator or a rake and divided, and in 2-3 days it is abundantly watered.

The closer the seeds will contact with the ground, the better they will germinate. Therefore, before sowing them, the earth must be rolled with a rink. During the preparation of the site, other operations can be performed:

Installation of automatic watering system.

Hardening reinforcement of the surface of the earth. To do this, lay out special plastic grilles that can repeatedly increase the confrontation of turf with significant physical exertion. For example, if a meadow is intended for parking lots.

Preparation of a place on gentle slopes

Before starting the preparation of the site on a slope with a slope of more than 30 °, it is worthwhile to think about arranging a terrace on it, the remaining inclined areas are quite suitable for sowing grass, if they are covered with a satisfactory layer of soil with a thickness of a fertile layer of at least 20 cm. You need to know that for the lawn, even in the most even areas, it involves the device of a small surface slope. It is made at a very insignificant angle, absolutely invisible visually, but such a simple reception will allow you to drain excessive water outside the clearing.

The main drawback of inclined areas — seeds and soil can be washed off by rains. The device of the lawn with a “geogage” and proper watering will help to keep them.