Why is it worth choosing a gas block for the construction of small buildings

What are the benefits of gas block? For what it can be chosen for the construction of low buildings? What negative aspects does this material have? The following article will answer all these questions.

The gas block in its appearance and production technology is very similar to foam block. These materials allow you to build real estate in the shortest possible time and have several advantages. This time we will dwell on the gas block in more detail.

A gas block is a kind of middle between brick and concrete. He takes the best from these building materials, but it would be a big mistake not to note his weaknesses. The gas block, as well as foam blocks, is recommended to be used in the construction of small and low buildings. It can also be used in the reconstruction of buildings. During the reconstruction, dismantling may be needed. It can be carried out by specialists about whom I learned on the site . Dismantling only seems to be easy, in fact, I prefer to entrust this to professionals, because there are a lot of nuances.

I will continue about the gas block. The developers of these materials have not yet made it as strong as for example, concrete. The gas block is more affected by such a factor as high humidity. Therefore, when designing and building buildings from this material, close attention should be paid so that the water does not stagnate in the immediate vicinity of the walls. And the rain and snow are not terrible gas block.

And now about the advantages. In the manufacture of gas blocks, a concrete solution is used, aluminum oxide crumbs are added to it, which, reacting with the solution, emit oxygen bubbles. Thanks to this, the gas block becomes porous, light and increases its volume.

Masonry of gas blocks is carried out on glue. This process is so light that you can build a single -story house of medium sizes for knocking.