Flat roof — a tribute to fashion or convenience in operation?

In the case when the construction of a simple structure (utility room, garage and even one -story house) is supposed to be built, often a flat roof is made with your own hands. When arranging it, it is important to observe a number of rules, since the design is somewhat reminiscent of a “multi-layer pie”.

Flat roofing — fashionable European trends

Advantages and disadvantages of such designs

Most often, many owners are equipped with two-, four-scatter, semi-wire, attic, multi-protruding roof. They have a number of advantages and provide excellent protection against adverse phenomena (including snowfalls). And few people equip the usual flat. It is made only in garages, utility rooms and occasionally in one -story houses. Meanwhile, according to modern architects, it will become one of the most popular in the next decades. This is justified by the fact that the simplicity of structures again comes into fashion. Plus, this roof has other advantages:

Ease of service. All kinds of technical inspections (chimneys, antennas) are not presented with something difficult. And the cleaning of the funnels is carried out quickly enough.

Saving. Much less building materials are spent on such a roof.

Convenience of installation. It is much easier to lay a “roof pie” in a safe position, “underfoot” than an inclination at high altitude.

Insulation of a flat operated roof can be carried out.

Provides additional space. There you can organize a garden, a terrace or a recreation area.

In Europe, such a roof device is now very popular. In particular, the construction of a flat roof is widely in demand in large cities where the problem of air pollution is relevant. And many owners plant this space with lawns and front gardens.

What is the role of beams?

Features of styling

The roof for such a roof is most often arranged on the principle of «pie». That is, the materials are layered on each other. At first, supporting slabs are made, then beams are arranged, the leveling layer. Next, steam, heat, and waterproofing are laid. At the last stage, the finish is made. It can be the most diverse. For example, many do: a concrete screed, roll roof, geotextiles with soil (if you want to equip a green roof).

Before we talk about the styling method, we will talk about one important element of the roof — beams. They can be wooden or metal. It is important to equip them especially correctly, since the beams should withstand not only the mass of the roof, but also the weight of the snow cover in winter, the person who serves the roof, the communications at the top. To choose the right and calculate the beams, you can adopt the experience of neighbors who have such structures. Ask them how the construction was going on and, most importantly, what is the operation. Only after that can you draw up a plan in which all the necessary materials and design will be registered.

How to make a flat roof and what is needed for this?

Before the installation is made, the roof plan is made and its calculation. Next are bought all materials. The roof is laid quite simply. If it is done for a heated building, then the work will include several stages. First, beams are mounted on which the flooring is superimposed. Further, all this is covered with roofing material. After that, a backfill is made, consisting of slag, expanded clay and other materials. Such a backfill plays the role of insulation. A cement screed is poured over it, which should have a thickness of more than 2.5 cm. When she begins to harden (or grasp), apply a bitumener primer. At the last stage, the roller roof is laid. If there is a desire, then you can plant plants. Then you have to lay geotextiles with soil instead of rolled roofs.

Note! If the roof will have a width of more than 6 meters, then it is not recommended to make it with your own hands. Since difficulties with a span may arise. In the same case, if the width is small, then metal or wooden beams are used (you can bar).

In the event that you already have a similar roof and you want to insulate it additionally, then this is also done according to a certain method. Moreover, this can be done both from the inside and outside the roof. Some time ago, hard insulation slabs were used for external insulation. Now, mineral basalt wool is increasingly used, since it has less weight. In addition, it is almost not damaged by a mechanical way. Foam polystyrene slabs are used for internal isolation.