Tiles for the bathroom — how to choose the right “outfit” to walls and floor

The main question that arises for everyone who starts repairs in the bathroom sounds approximately the same: tiles for the bathroom — how to choose? Indeed, getting confused in a huge variety of what shops offer is easy. A few tips given in the article will help decide which tile should choose.

Tile for the bathroom — how to choose a tile for walls

The video presents the rules for laying floor tiles

One of the most important requirements for a tile for bathrooms is water resistance. Everything is quite simple here — it is worth choosing a glazed tile, reliably protected from the penetration of water. Attention should be paid to the back of ceramic tiles — it should be as less porous as possible. The larger the pores, the lower the variety of the material and, accordingly, the higher ability to absorb moisture. By the way, you can find out the Kafel variety by watching a certificate. The material can be marked with letters C, B, A, AA, while the lower means, and AA is the highest variety.

If possible, for walls in the bathroom you need to choose a tile as larger as possible. The fact is that the most vulnerable place in the lining of the lining is seams. Even despite the processing with special grouts, it is impossible to completely avoid moisture on tile glue. Over time, this will lead to the appearance of mold. Therefore, the fewer seams, the less dangers will be in wait for the material in the future. Well, of course, do not forget that antibacterial components should include the composition of tile glue. If you decide to glue mosaic tiles, then you need to pay particularly close attention to the quality of glue and grout.

Which tiles to choose in the bathroom — flooring

Laying ceramic tiles in the bathroom — video

The floor in the bathroom must be nonsense — so for it you need to choose a tile that is not covered with enamel. The ideal tile in this case is matte, rough to the touch, so most often a porcelain tile is chosen to create a tile “carpet”. Naturally, it costs more than usual material, but safety in this case is most important. Since porcelain tiles are quite thick, you need to take care of the tools for cutting it — tiles or grinder.

Wear resistance is another important indicator. In floor tiles, it should be high, otherwise it will quickly “echo” and lose its original color. As in the case of wall tiles, it is best to opt for material with AA marking. Tiles of this variety practically does not pass water, which is very important for flooring. In addition, such marking means that the material is resistant to chemicals, that is, when cleaning with any detergent, it will not lose its qualities.

Also, when choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to how homogeneous the surface is — there should not be stains and stains on it. The faces should be even. This can be determined by applying two fragments to each other — a good tile has no more than half a million gap between them. It is worth paying attention to the “wrong side” of the tiles — there should not be chips and cracks on it. In addition, it is good if the surface is corrugated — this will provide the best adhesion with glue.

To date, the best and wall tiles of Italian and Czech manufacturers are considered the best.

What tiles to choose for the bathroom — general recommendations

So, when all quality issues are resolved, you need to calculate the amount of material. It is easy to do this — the surface area is divided into the area of ​​one fragment. The resulting figure increases by about 15% — the necessary supply for battle and trimming. With the size of the tiles, you also need to decide on the planning stage. It is worth remembering that the larger the size of the bathroom, the larger the size of individual fragments should be. The fact is that if you put large tiles in a small room, it will visually become even smaller.

Now it’s worth talking about the color of the tile. It is believed that the smaller the room, the lighter the tile should be. Since in most apartments the bathrooms, to put it mildly, are small, the bulk of people choose the material of pastel shades. However, this is not entirely correct — even the combination of black and white with the correctly selected styling pattern can visually increase the volume. Interspersed mirror tiles against the general background can serve the same service, as well as increase the illumination of the room — for this you need to stick the material opposite the window or lamp.

Do not choose a tile of «acid» shades, since it may get bored quite quickly. It is best to make accents with such colors, placing in the main figure as decorative inserts. The same role of a bright spot against the background of muffled shades of the main drawing can play special panels or inserts of 3D tiles. In addition, borders laid around the entire perimeter of the bathroom can be used as a kind of accessory. However, if there is no confidence in your design skills, you can go through the easiest way and choose material for walls and gender from one collection.

When buying tiles, do not forget about the folk wisdom that states that he pays a stingy twice. When choosing material, do not put in the first place the issue of savings. Such repairs are made for not one year, and only high -quality material is able to maintain all its properties for a long time.