Tile for the hallway, corridor or living room — the rules of choice

Correctly selected tiles for the hallway or any other room — this is the key to durability and beauty of the coating. You need to choose a tile not only based on your own taste, but also in terms of technical characteristics. In this article, we will try to figure out what exactly needs to pay attention to when buying.

Tiles for the corridor or hallway — what it should be

Laying tiles on the wall — video

The hallway without much exaggeration can be called the “face” of the whole house, because it is precisely this room that the person who crossed his threshold falls first. However, when choosing tiles for flooring in this room, especially close attention should be paid not to its aesthetic attractiveness. Durability and wear resistance is what is primarily required from the tile. There are several classes of wear resistance of the flooring of ceramics, which are designated by the marking from PEI-I to PEI-V. The higher the figure, the longer the term of the «life» of the tile floor. Tiles for rooms where they often go in street shoes should be at least the third class, that is, have a marking Pei-III or Pei-IV. PEI -V material is, of course, the best option, but it is quite rare on sale. The tile of the first and second category is suitable for premises where exceptionally soft home -made shoes are worn.

Since the corridor and the hallway are the places where they go not only in clean, but also in contaminated shoes, you should pay attention to resistance to abrasives, for example, to sand. In addition, the tile should be resistant to synthetic detergents, since wet cleaning will most likely be carried out several times a week. The class of resistance to such «aggressors» can be indicated by the letters D, C, B, A and AA. In principle, for these rooms you can choose a tile with marking b or a.

Floor tiles for the hallway or corridor should not be glossy, since when it hits it, it becomes like an ice rink. And such a beautiful coating will not be very not long, since the icing will be wiped very quickly from it. Even better if there is any relief on the surface of the tiles — this will make the coating nonsense. However, the cleaning will be somewhat complicated. Another aspect on which you need to focus on is the color of the tiles. Too dark will make the smallest pollution and scratches noticeable; The same applies to the tiles of too bright shades.

Large format tiles laid out in medium or large rooms can visually increase their size.

Tiles for the living room — Features of choice

Video lesson on laying tiles in the living room

The floor in the living room, laid out with tiles, is not a completely traditional solution for our houses. However, this does not mean that the floor designed in this way does not look attractive, on the contrary, the variety of textures and shades of tiles makes it possible to create unique combinations. For the living room, tiles can be chosen, the surface of which imitates wood, fabric, stone or skin. In addition, entire “carpets” or art panels can be lined out of it. Since the living room is still a dwelling, the floor in it should be comfortable in winter and summer. Therefore, choosing a tile as a flooring, you need to mount a warm floor system, otherwise in winter the room will be simply cold.

The class of wear resistance for the «Gostiny» tile may not be very high-it will be enough to choose a material with the Pei-II or PEI-III marking. The same applies to resistance to detergents. But dullness and roughness for such tiles — this makes the material nonsense. With caution, you need to put the tiles in the rooms where there are often small children, because for them this coating is quite traumatic. It is also worth noting that the floors lined with tiles can create in the room a kind of echo. In addition, if on such a floor walk in heels in shoes, there is a risk that the neighbors from below will, to put it mildly, are not very happy with such a noise.

Now more and more often you can find such an option for redevelopment of apartments as connecting the kitchen and living room. In such cases, they often combine tiles in the kitchen area and laminate or parquet board in the living room area. With the correct connection, this option is the most effective and practical. In addition, if there is a fireplace in the room, then the space around it also needs to be laid out with ceramic tiles — this requires fire safety measures.

Tile tiles on the floor in the living room — a very “binding” element that requires endurance. Such a coating will be appropriate in the interior in the style of country or high-tech, however, in the room, pasted with ordinary wallpaper and laid out typical furniture, it may look rather strange.

Floor tiles for the corridor or other room — tips and recommendations

There are two types of floor tiles. These are ceramic and porcelain tiles. Ceramic tiles are not very resistant to mechanical influences — any object heated on it will be covered with significant harm. The porcelain tile is more durable, however, the number of colors and textures is not as great as his ceramic «colleague».

There is a tile, the shape of which repeats the parquet board. Such a coating is especially good for living rooms, since outwardly almost indistinguishable from parquet. In addition, as an alternative to the tiles in living rooms and corridors, you can lay tiles of PVC, which has the same qualities as linoleum, but looks more advantageous.

You can create an additional emphasis in the room by rubbing the seams between the tiles of the composition of the contrasting color. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the grout is performed as carefully and carefully as possible. Poorly wound seams — an excellent “passage” for water, which can penetrate the tile and cause mold formation.

In a word, the decision about whether to put the tiles in the hallway and the living room depends only on the taste and preference of the owners. However, choosing a drawing of tiles for the living room, you should weigh the pros and cons, since, unlike carpet or laminate, it is much more difficult to dismantle the tile.