We protect, remind, warn…

What, among other things, is the construction? How can you help in a danger prevention? How else can you use enclosing structures?

Few of the uninitiated understand that any construction is a source of increased danger. And this is not an exaggeration this is a statement of the fact. The fact is that, firstly, a large number of tools are used in the construction process, including electric ones, which can be, with improper use, life is dangerous for health and life. Secondly, if we are talking about the construction of high buildings, open openings become dangerous, where there is a probability of falling from a height. Thirdly, the danger carries a fall from a height to a person of any object-whether it be building materials or any mechanisms.

That is why light enclosing structures are highly popular today, which, depending on use, can protect the dangerous territory from the penetration of people who, being unfamiliar with safety regulations, could seriously suffer. Of course, knowing the psychology of our people who manage to make holes in concrete fences in order to reduce the path, you should not hope for such obstacles too much.

However, such housekeepers from LSTK, in principle, have a fairly wide range of applications, and perhaps that is why Mettem LSK LLC always has, as they say, a filled portfolio of orders. After all, such barriers can be used as certain guides that help pass the right route, as well as separating, say one of some zone from the other.

The main thing in them is that they are light and strong, can easily be transported, both by one and at once in a large number.