Do you need an hood in the kitchen?

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Modern kitchens of caring housewives amaze with their content. In this part of the house for cooking for her family, a woman spends a lot of time.

Culinary masterpieces are not just created here, but a real life also passes: warm family evenings, sincere conversations with friends, a temporary office and even a workshop … It is quite clear why the question is whether the hood in the kitchen is needed, many answer in the affirmative.

Why do you need an hood

The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking, and this process is accompanied by a smell, sometimes not quite pleasant. To eliminate it and there is an extract. As you can see, this is just a necessity.

What are hoods

If you decide that you just can’t do without it, we advise you to take a closer look before installation and find out closer. Hoods can be divided into two types according to the principle of action:

Circular type. They pull the air out of the room, which after filtering and returns back.

Castle type. These hoods take out the air out of the ventilation system.

Important: many hoods have filters that are fat and coal, and each of these options has its advantages.

When choosing this kitchen device, you should pay attention to the design:

Suspended hoods are the most common view. Pretty budget option that works in circulation mode. From time to time, the fat filter changes.

Built -in hoods — as can be seen from the name, they are mounted in a hinged cabinet. Cassette -type fat filters are provided here.

Fireplaces (they are domed) — such hoods can work both in circular and in proper mode.

Island hoods are used in cases where the plate is installed away from the wall.

When acquiring an extract, of course, from your own preferences and financial capabilities,.