Description of raspberry «Hercules»

This semi -bonus with healing berries is planted on each garden plot. Moreover, all its parts are healing in this plant — the leaves, and the stems, and even the roots. The name of this garden plant is raspberries.

The fruits of this berry half -bush help reduce temperature and fight inflammatory colds in the human body. Therefore, gardeners try to plant such varieties of raspberries in their garden, the fruits of which are large (if possible), and the yield of one bush is from 2.5 — 3 kg.

Therefore, it is worth telling about such a magnificent variety of this berry half -brush as Raspberry «Hercules».

Description of the variety

The name of this variety already indicates the fruit of this plant. And indeed every berry from this bush weighs from 10 to 16 g. The fruits have the size of the cone, very dense, the taste is sweet with a light sourness. Hercules raspberry berries are good to transport.

This type of raspberry is remantant, that is, it grows and gives a crop for one season. After the crop is assembled from the bushes, they should be cut to the base and burned. This procedure is best done in September, or in early spring — after all the snow is melting on the site.

The height of the bushes of this raspberry ranges from 1.6 to 2.1 m. The shoots of Raspberry «Heracles» are not very sprawling, they are very strong, so they can not be tied to trellises for the summer period, and they do not bend under the weight of the ripened berries. In the summer, shoots are usually green, but they darken by the fall. The shoots of the second year of life are already becoming light brown. The stems of this variety, like other varieties of raspberries, are covered with small spikes from the top to the bottom of the plant. Fireplaces directed towards the ground.

The harvest of this variety of raspberries begins to ripen in the third decade of August, and fruiting continues almost until frost. If raspberry bushes get enough nutrients with top dressing, all the necessary agricultural measures are carried out, then per season from one bush you can collect about 3 kg of delicious sweet berries. Moreover, most of them ripen in the fall, so they are not subject to defeat «harmful bugs».

Pros and cons

Raspberries of the Hercules varieties due to the fact that it begins to bear fruit late is very resistant to defeat by pests. This variety is also stable to diseases such as gray rot or fungus. This type of raspberry is resistant to frost. However, cut the bushes before the start of the cold and cover them for the winter is still necessary.

The main disadvantages of this berry half -brush include the sour taste of fruits, too much spikes on the stems, shoots over the season grow weakly, the fruiting time begins late (at the end of summer), and continues until frost. As a result, not all fruits have time to grow up to frost.

Inflorescences, as well as fruits, basically appear in the upper part of the shoots, very rarely fruit the entire shoot completely. And the weak ripening of shoots is both a minus and a plus, since the bushes are not thickened as a result, and there is no need to cut off unnecessary shoots.

Rules of care

Raspberry should be planted in sunny areas, since this berry is very demanding on sunlight. If this shrub grows in partial shade, then the berries do not gain a sufficient amount of sugar, they will be small and sour. Therefore, when planting seedlings of this plant, the distance between them should be left about 0.8 m, and between the rows up to 1.4 m.

This plant requires frequent watering. Before watering, it is recommended to make mineral and organic fertilizers as top dressing. Then the basal areas are loosened, while falling weeds, after these procedures, a layer of mulch must be laid out for the roots.

This remantant variety is also grown in order to obtain two crops per season — in the spring and autumn. However, the amount of crop from the bush will be the same, only divided by twice.

If the crop is planned to be harvested only in the autumn, then before winter the raspberry of the Hercules raspberry is cut almost under the root. Such pruning allows you to increase the amount of crop in the next season.

Improving yield

You can increase the yield of this raspberry variety in the following ways:

making organic fertilizers during the season (especially at the time of the ripening of fruits);

complete trimming of bushes before the start of frosts. In this case, the bushes do not grow to the full height, but their yield increases sharply.