Viral necrosis of cucumbers

The site «Seeds by mail» continues to talk about pests, bacteria and viruses that are dangerous for our beloved vegetable — green crispy cucumber. Today we will talk about a serious viral infection — cucumber necrosis, which, under favorable conditions, is able to reduce the crop by half the volume.

What is necrosis?

The word «necrosis» came from the Latin «necros», «dead». And in fact — infected vegetables gradually die, starting with tissues of leaves and ending with the whole plant as a whole.

Causes all these unpleasant things Cucumber Necrosis Vis, which is dangerous not only for cucumbers, but also for other pumpkin, melting crops, and sometimes for other vegetables, fruit trees, cereals.

An infected plant can be distinguished, first of all, by necrotic spots of pale yellow color that appears on cotyledons. The spots have a light green edging, they are also observed on the leaves and stem. The damage itself is easy to confuse with mushrooms, it is easy to distinguish them according to old leaves — they are, as it were, shaded along the veins with dark stripes. These leaves quickly fade and die, which is why the fruits become small, twisted, themselves are covered with watery necrosis.

Remember — when buying cucumber seeds in bulk, you do not risk acquiring the causative agent of necrosis with them, he does not live in seeds.

Causes of necrosis and methods of combating it

Scientists are increasingly saying that Cucumber Necrosis Vis does not affect healthy plants that receive enough food. Its appearance is a sign of soil that has exhausted stocks of certain nutrients, so the prevention of necrosis can be carried out by simply feeding the soil with fertilizers. The main thing here is to correctly make a diagnosis.

If the old leaves become blue-green, after which they are covered with brown spots, and the plants themselves do not produce shoots and do not bloom-there is not enough phosphorus in the soil.

If the edge of the sheet turns yellow, the death occurs from the bottom of the bush up — we are talking about a lack of potassium.

White, light brown necrosis of the leaves, spreading from the top to the base — a sign of manganese deficiency.

Methods of combating necrosis come down to:

Proper and timely top dressing of plants with missing nutrients.

When growing in a greenhouse — to compliance with the temperature and moist regime, timely ventilation.

Agrotechnical methods — weeding, removing plant remains, destruction of infected fruits and bushes.

As already mentioned, the virus does not live in the seeds. However, high -quality sowing material is the key to a strong immunity of the plant, its ability to resist viruses. It is such material that our seed store offers! The Internet is the most modern way of purchase, in which absolute convenience is compatible with a low price. Buying seeds from us is profitable, fast and simple!