Virtual office — so far we get used to?

Thanks to which the term «virtual office» appeared in our vocabulary? What is beneficial? What is worth paying attention to when the choice between him and the office of the traditional?

Modern technologists burst into our lives so rapidly that sometimes it becomes uneasy from the changes that they bring with them. And the leader here, of course, is the Internet. Internet technologies are changing something quantitatively, and something-and qualitatively. That is, something fundamentally new appears in our life, which was not before.

For example, if we talk about business, then advertising, with the advent of an affordable, and at the same time high -speed Internet, has become a completely different. Now you will practically not find a manufacturer who, starting an advertising company, ignores the virtual space.

Further. Issues of payment of goods and services have also changed. Now, using Internet money, business partners, making payments for temporary intervals, calculated not for days, but clockwork. And in exceptional cases — even in minutes!

But these are changes, so to speak quantitative. After all, advertising was 30 years ago and there were also payments. But such a thing as a “virtual office” just appeared only in recent years, just thanks to a high -speed Internet. And many businessmen have already appreciated the effectiveness of this innovation!

For example, a virtual office in St. Petersburg is already a phenomenon that does not surprise anyone. After all, any office is, first of all, expenses. Rent, heating, communications, payment of auxiliary services, possible conflicts with the lessor ..

What is a «virtual office»? This is the savings of funds, time, it is comfort for customers and partners, it is finally the opportunity to expand working hours almost up to round -the -clock mode! It is possible that this is too much, but there is such an opportunity!

Moreover, the virtual office requires fewer employees, and if so, that is, the opportunity to have a higher level at the expense of this performers. The number of advantages can also be attributed to the same moment that literal offices can move, with all the troubles that arise from here, but virtual offices move so that customers and partners sometimes do not even notice this!

Of course, this is a certain specificity. And you need to get used to it, both those who will carry out the work of such an office and consumers. But, given the positive points, you can come to terms with this. Moreover, recalling how it was included in our lives and Internet advertising, virtual payments, this period of cautious pessimism will pass quite quickly. And over time, we will be surprised to stop this phenomenon.