We grow onions from seeds

Onions are a two -year -old plant that, thanks to its magnificent culinary properties and the rich composition of valuable trace elements, is excellent popular with summer residents and gardeners. There are many technologies for growing onions using annual bulbs, which are called Sevkom, and directly from the seeds. In this article we will tell you about various technologies for growing this garden culture.

Methods of landing onions

Planting this garden culture can be performed in several ways:

The use of seeds that plant in early autumn. The advantage of such a technology is the possibility of obtaining a crop already in the first season. Summer residents in this case should use high -quality purchased seeds.

Using the seed material that was obtained when growing last year. The germination of such bulbs begins at the end of winter, and their landing in open ground is carried out in April.

Survation is also possible, in which planting is carried out in late November before the arrival of the first frosts. It must be said that this method of growing onions is difficult, since it is necessary to correctly determine the landing time.

Regardless of your chosen method of landing onions, it is necessary to pre -prepare the soil. Such preparations are performed with high -quality cultivation of the Earth and the addition of peat and manure to it. Remember that it is necessary to choose the right place for the location of the bed with onions. It is not recommended to plant this culture in the same place for several years.

Advantages of seed planting

Of the advantages of onions, with seeds in comparison with SevKOM, it is possible to note the lack of soil infection with bacteria and infections. Such diseases of this garden culture are resistant and difficult to treat. Often, even when making strong chemicals, it is problematic to eliminate infections and bacteria that affect the bulbs.

There is an opinion that with an annual growing onion it is impossible to get a quality crop. However, from our experience we can say that when ensuring the governing of this garden culture, you can get a quality crop in the first year of growing onions. The use of high -quality pre -germinated seedlings will reduce the number of painful and weak plants. Thereby increasing your crop and taste of grown bulbs.

Planting timing and the duration of ripening directly depend on a particular variety of this garden culture. Currently, more than 60 types of onions are known, and yet there are other varieties of this vegetable. It is customary to separate the northern and southern varieties. The northern varieties have later ripening, but their shelf life is much more than the southern varieties.

Prepare the seeds and plant them in the ground

Before planting seeds, it is recommended to check their indicators of germination. Such a check must be performed a month before the estimated landing date. Take 20-30 pieces from the packaging with seeds, and wrap them in a wet rag. From high -quality seeds, the first green sprouts will appear in a few weeks. Experts also recommend, in order to avoid the appearance of fungi and infection, carry out a kind of hardening of seeds with ending them first in hot and then in cold water.

The optimal time for planting onions is the end of April. By this time, snow will finally come off the beds, and the earth will warm up to the required temperature. When choosing a place for the location of the bed, it is necessary to give preference to sunny places. We can recommend you to use beds where cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes grew earlier. When preparing the Earth, it is necessary to make a peat based on 1 square meter of beds of 3 kilograms of peat or humus. The introduction of additional nitrogen fertilizers and phosphates will improve this vegetable productivity. When preparing the beds, they must be spilled with a solution of copper sulfate, which will allow you to disinfect the Earth and destroy possible infections.

The landing of onions is best carried out in small furrows, the distance between which is 5 centimeters. From the edge of the bed to the furrow should be a retreat of at least 10 centimeters. The depth of landing is usually not more than 2 centimeters. Do not plant the onion too thick, which will lead to problems with the nutrition of the bulb during its maturation. Immediately after planting, it is recommended to cover the bed with a film, which will protect the seeds from the cold. After a few days, the film can be removed.

Onion care and harvesting

Do not forget about the need for regular irrigation of onions, which allows you to ensure the maximum possible size of the bulbs. Constantly remove weeds that begin to consume valuable trace elements from the ground, which leads to a slowdown in onions. As soon as the first bulbs appear, watering must be completely stopped. Harvesting, depending on a specific variety of onions, can begin in August and end in November.

Growing onions from seeds is not difficult, which allows when creating optimal conditions for growth to get an excellent crop already for the first year of growing this culture. Pre -germinating the bulbs and using high -quality seed material, you can increase the yield of the beds, and the taste of the onion will be at a high level.