Favorable rental.

That market relations provide? What could be a summer house for different families? What can bring a dacha rental?

We find solutions.

Market relations, as phenomena, provide reasonably thinking people with the opportunity to solve certain problems sometimes in the most unexpected way. For example, imagine a situation where one family is extremely necessary to at least sometimes get out of the city for relaxation and discharge, and the other family is lacking in life. They can help each other?

Can, if those who do not have enough funds, have a summer house. In general, for many, a summer cottage is a kind of epitaph for a woman. Because it is she who most often has to spend strength in order to maintain this summer house in normal condition.

Exchange of circumstances.

So, a completely reasonable exchange is possible — one family rents a summer house for the weekend, and the second family uses this rental. Naturally, once we are talking about rent, then this is payment. And very profitable for both sides. Because some get the necessary money, and the latter — the space where they can take a break from the bustle of the city. Temporarily.

Such «exchanges» are quite effective. If only because everyone really gets what he needs, without parting forever with what I would not want to part with. Because having a cottage in permanent use is a lot of trouble. And who want to simply take a soul to the bosom of nature from time to time. So the owners of the cottage, in principle, with the right approach, may have a good source of income.