Choosing a lamp for a stretch ceiling

Choose a lamp suitable for a stretch ceiling is not a difficult thing as it might seem at first glance. There is an opinion that a suspended ceiling is able to collapse down due to the severity of the lamp, but this.

Do not worry too much about weight and select the option easier, fearing for the fate of the stretch ceiling, which will have to hold additional severity. The lamp is firmly attached to the main ceiling due to special reinforcement, and in the stretch ceiling only a hole for the lamp is made. Such a mount is extremely durable and durable, and the hinged ceiling does not experience additional load, because the lamp is not attached to it and does not have any effect on it with its weight.

Under the influence of high temperatures from the lamp, the stretch ceiling can darken, and it will be extremely difficult to fix such a defect. To prevent this, certain measures must be taken.

The simplest thing is to turn the cryphones “face down” so that their heating does not affect the suspended ceiling so adverse. However, it is not always possible to do this, and this does not always lead to the desired result.

A more reliable way consists in a competent approach to choosing incandescent lamps for the lamp. It is necessary to give preference to LED or energy -saving lamps. These species differ from all others with a relatively small release of heat during operation.

Another way to protect the stretch ceiling from overheating is to adjust the distance between it and the lamp. The larger the distance between them, the more safety the stretch ceiling will be. The minimum acceptable distance from LED and energy -saving lamps to the stretch ceiling is 10 centimeters, and for ordinary ones — at least 30 centimeters. Everything is simple — the higher the power of the lamp, the farther from the suspended ceiling it should be located.

Any lamp has a slight probability of overheating. In this case, the surface of the stretch ceiling can melt a little. To avoid such problems, you can install on the ceiling LED dumplings, the body of which is made from heat -absorbing materials.

When buying, do not forget to pay attention to the length of the fastener rod at the lamp. He must have such a length so that there are no problems with its placement between two ceilings: the main and suspended. Only in this case, when carrying out repair work, you will have free access to the mounting site.

If difficulties arise, but I really want stretch ceilings of the problem will help to solve PPL-14.. PPL-14 LLC is famous for the fact that in 2007 it mounted the largest stretch ceiling in Russia. The area of ​​the stretch ceiling was 300kvm.