Choosing flooring for a city apartment

The main load of disputes takes on the design and design of the future living space. But, if, for the most part, visual satisfaction with color or a combination of colors and textures is expected from the walls and ceiling, then the role of the floor is not limited by the simple “fit” of it into the overall artistic plan of the apartment. Both the legs of furniture and the legs (and not only) of children, adults and even pets, if any, will be in contact with him. The floor is more demanding on the care than the vertical surfaces of the walls and the ceiling. Dust settles on him, there are traces of the legs on it, something is constantly falling on it, it spreads or crumbles. And the joy of visual pleasure can easily overshadow the irreparability of traces of daily use.

Therefore, before starting the choice of flooring, you need to answer a few questions:

— who will move around the apartment;

— If children, then what age and how often;

— how high the apartment is in the house, and what is the intensity of dusting;

— Are there any domestic animals that will also move on the floor;

— Will there be permanent residents to walk barefoot or will use domestic shoes

More comfortable surfaces are natural wood coatings: a floorboard, parquet, parquet board (not to be confused with a visually similar laminate). The advantages of such a coating are that it is able to preserve and give heat and moisture, thereby supporting a healthy microclimate in the room, is environmentally friendly, tactfully pleasant and there are no unpleasant odors from it. Cons — the surface is subject to damage that is difficult to eliminate, and the tree is afraid of a large amount of water, so the care should be mainly dry.

Carpet or other carpet coatings are also pleasant for contact. They also have sound -absorbing properties and protect the main surface from blows. Manufacturers of modern carpeters try to facilitate their materials and create dirt — and water -repellent surfaces, but it is still possible to perfectly clean the carpet with ordering the dry cleaning of the carpet at home. The price of which is very affordable today very available.

The tile laid on the floor is undoubtedly the most wear -resistant material. Suitable for rooms requiring frequent and careful care. Heating, cooling, processing with disinfectants — it endures a lot, without losing its properties and without creating a negative load on the microclimate in the apartment. Heated floor technologies allow you not to feel discomfort when moving from a room, for example, with a wooden coating even barefoot. Its only minus is a very hard surface.

Paul, covered with completely synthetics (laminate, linoleum), visually if it does not look more attractive, it certainly is not inferior to the natural floor. The texture and drawings create the illusion of all kinds of wooden surfaces, surfaces of natural stone. Synthetic coatings win in the strength of wooden, but lose their tiles. Their acquisition is quite cheap. But do not forget that the chemical formulas of such gender are subject to changes in temperature and humidity fluctuations. The substances that are distinguished by them during operation in the air can adversely affect health.