Breyenel and steam are a gift of a gift

The accumulated fatigue and illnesses of the healers were advised to wash off. And what could be better than stealing, and then in a cold pool? This is a hardening for the body, and just a pleasant rest to a tired body. Baths were in great demand in our homeland a century ago. But even today, this type of water procedures not only did not lose its expediency, but every year it becomes more popular. In any country house or cottage, there is definitely its own, albeit small, but a bathhouse.

The heart of the bath.

What is the most important in the bath? That’s right — the stove. This is a key knot of the entire extension, because the wrong stove will be poorly drowned, and God forbid, also to poison with carbon monoxide. Bath stoves in Perm are presented in a wide range, but according to common signs they can be divided into two types: brick and all -metal. The bricks are divided on the principle of operation into direct -flow and with the speed of smoke.

Brick stove.

Are built on a principle that has hundreds of years. The advantages of such furnaces are that they are able to retain heat for a long time. At the same time, the heated stovebsp; gives a very soft heat, in which the highest quality and pleasant steam is obtained. Accidentally touching the wall of a boiled furnace, you will not burn. By the location of the stones, the furnace can be defined as a constant action and periodic. The main difference in the furnace operation device: in the first version, the furnace can be drowned even at the moment when someone is in the steam room, because the stones are located in a special tank, in the second case, the stones lie on special gallops and are warmed by gases passing through them, so drown the stove while steaming — you can’t.

The disadvantages of brick furnaces are a large fuel consumption. In order to threw bath stoves in Perm, especially in the winter, it takes from 3 to 5 hours and naturally a fairly large number of firewood. In addition, over time, such stoves can crack, which leads to a leakage of harmful gases into the room.

All -metal stove.

Bath stoves in Perm are also made of metal. The main advantages of the design were small weight, which leads to the possibility of its installation without a foundation, and low cost. Such a stove warms up quickly, which allows you to start the procedures in the steam room much faster than using brick bath stoves in Perm. But immediately the shortcomings can be attributed to the shortcomings at the moment when they stop drowning. However, fuel consumption with such a stove is much lower, which means higher saving cash.

If you are going to build a bathhouse before laying the foundation, decide which type of stove will warm your steam room. After all, it is from the choice of the stove that can change, and the amount of construction, and the time for commissioning the entire bathhouse.