Venetian plaster in the bathroom and kitchen — a combination of chic and practicality

Today, Venetian plaster in the bathroom and in the kitchen is considered one of the most fashionable trends. And, probably, it’s no secret that this is one of the very first materials for the design of the premises, which was used in ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages. Until some time, he was undeservedly forgotten, but now it is increasingly that you can meet stunning in its beauty at home, the main finishing material of which is the plaster precisely.

What is the «Venetian»?

Video master class in Venetian plaster

Unlike other types of plasters, Venetian has a number of features. Firstly, this is a composition that can include a large number of different components.

The traditional composition includes:

Stone crumb of marble, malachite, quartz, granite, onyx, lime;

binder — hashing lime or polymers;

Pigments — natural or synthetic.

Depending on what the effect should be achieved, mixtures of different granularity are used. For example, if you want to get a rough surface resembling a stone, the baby should be large. And vice versa — thin grinding allows you to create exquisite textures, which can be admired forever.

The second and no less important difference between the “Venetian” is a rather complicated application technique. First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. The work consists in removing the old putty, reinforcing the wall with a net and creating a new coating. As usual, the finished walls are strengthened by a primer of deep penetration, and only then, after it dries, can you proceed to the final decoration.

Requirements for applying plaster both in the bathroom and in the kitchen are similar: you need to equip good waterproofing and not use the material in places where it will constantly contact with water.

Venetian plaster in the kitchen — a variety of design options

Venetian plaster — video

In any house, the kitchen is a kind of “center of the universe”, in which all the most important events take place: communication with family and friends, thinking, discussion and making important decisions. Therefore, everyone wants the room to be beautiful and comfortable. Of course, do not ignore the direct function of the kitchen — cooking. The effects of temperature changes, vapors, liquids, as well as household chemicals can very quickly bring the “weak” material into unusable. Therefore, one of the most important requirements for kitchen decoration is strength and resistance to aggressive influences.

Venetian plaster in all respects is suitable for the design of the kitchen. This is a universal material that looks gorgeous in any interior, whether it is executed in restrained classics or a cantor.

The coating is perfectly combined with both facing tiles and wall panels or wallpaper. And if we take into account that the “Venetian” is not the cheapest pleasure, then such combinations can be considered the most acceptable. Thanks to the huge selection of shades and textures, you can create a unique and unique design that no one will have anymore!

Venetian plaster in the bathroom

Traditional material for walls in the bathroom — ceramic tile. One can only imagine how she has already fed up with all of us. In this room, I also want to create some beautiful design that would be “knocked out” from the general format.

Modern technologies allow the use of the Venetian and in rooms with constant high humidity. Special additives in the solution impede the formation of mold — this real “scourge” of bathrooms. And thanks to the high indicators, heat and sound insulation in the bathroom will very quickly establish a comfortable microclimate.

How to apply Venetian plaster

Clean, dry and strong surface is the key to technologically correct application of plaster and, as a result, the durability of the coating. First, the material is applied with a continuous layer, and all the rest — thin strokes in different directions. Moreover, each pre -dried layer is polished by manually.

With the help of various techniques, you can achieve completely different visual effects. I simulated stone and mother -of -pearl, and more innovative ideas (for example, under the skin) remain popular. «Playing» with the flowers of translucent layers, you can get surfaces that will be able to apply on the title of work of art on a completely legal basis.

Needless to say, the master who performs such a job should also be in the shower as an artist? Of course, you can learn almost everything, since now there are many manuals and master classes. However, if you are not sure that the rather expensive material is very simple and very quickly transformed into your dream, it is still worthwhile to entrust its implementation by professionals.