Insulation of the house by plaster

Insulation of any structure can be carried out by various methods, so you can choose different methods and technologies that differ in the materials used, work features and cash expenses.

A good choice is the use of special warm plaster, which will reduce the heat loss of the whole house without the need to change the thickness of the walls of the house.

The main nuances of this type of insulation

Providing high -quality thermal insulation has certain positive parameters, to which:

the expenses of funds for heating the premises in the house are reduced;

the life of the entire structure as a whole is increased;

the comfort of living in the structure improves, since in winter it will not be cold in rooms.

High -quality thermal insulation materials have a unique ability to protect buildings from various negative influences, which include mold, damp or wind loads. But it is possible to achieve such high indicators only if the materials for work are correctly selected, so you should not save on their choice.

Preparation before insulation

To obtain the perfect result of the entire work, some training should be done, which is as follows:

A thorough inspection and study of the walls of the structure is carried out, since this will determine which places in the structure are the most vulnerable, as a result of which the most significant loss of heat is ensured through them, and such places are called cold bridges;

The method of insulation of walls is selected, since the process can be internal or external, but in order not to reduce useful living area, external work is usually carried out.

Properties of warm plaster

The positive properties of the implementation of external insulation include:

The walls are protected not only from heat loss, but also from strong wind influences, high humidity, sharp changes in temperature and from other factors;

There is no condensate on the surface, which leads to the rapid destruction of the walls of any building, and can also become the basis for the formation of mold and fungi;

not only thermal insulation parameters of the structure are increased, but also its soundproofing properties, therefore, the construction is actually the best and suitable for life.

Insulation inside or outside has numerous differences, so before the conduct of any work should be carefully studied how exactly it is done. A great solution is the use of warm plaster, which is distributed by even layer over all the outer surfaces of a particular structure. It not only forms an excellent thermal insulation layer, but also provides an attractive surface decoration.

As soon as you decide which method will be applied, the rules for its implementation are determined. The following factors are taken into account here:

in what conditions the use of the house is produced;

how much the temperature changes in different seasons of the year;

What other precipitation and effects affect the facades.

The use of warm plaster has numerous advantages, which include:

the formation of an optimal and useful microclimate in the structure of the structure, since the material for insulation has an excellent vapor permeability indicator;

the soundproofing parameters of the house improve;

There is no need to create a conditioning system;

The created thermal insulation layer is characterized by a small mass, therefore, serious loads do not affect the walls of the building and its foundation;

Due to all work on the outside, the useful area of ​​the room does not decrease;

an increase in the service life of the structure itself is ensured;

The use of warm plaster is allowed for various types of buildings that can be made of various materials;

All seams available in the structure are completely filled with plaster;

a more attractive and interesting appearance of the house is formed;

The material is non -combustible and environmentally friendly;

It is easy to apply, as well as the resulting coating can be easily and quickly renovated.

The procedure for insulation of the facade using plaster and mineral wool

To ensure perfect wall insulation, use the heater slabs and warm plaster. After the preparation of the materials, the following works are implemented:

The walls of the structure are prepared, since they should not have dirt, dust and extra elements that will interfere with the process. If irregularities are found, then they are mandatory eliminated, for which different alignment methods can be used.

Directors are installed on the walls, providing optimal fixation of mineral wool slabs in the future. Both steel elements and wooden for these purposes are used. Self -tapping screws are attached.

Mineral wool plates fixation. This process is implemented using dowels and adhesive solution, which is completely distributed over the entire surface of the insulation.

A reinforcing mesh is installed, which is fixed with glue on a coating of mineral wool.

The finish layer of warm plaster is applied, and it can have different parameters, specific composition and various shades.

Thus, the use of warm plaster to increase the thermal insulation parameters of the facade is the best choice for any structure, and all work is simple and fast, therefore they are often implemented on their own.