Insulation of the basement of the house

The base is an important part of absolutely any private house. It should be made of high -quality materials, and should also be durable and stable, however, another important moment of its formation is competent insulation. It can be carried out both in the process of its creation, and later, when the house will already be used for its purpose.

The base is part of the base of the house, which is slightly over the ground, and most often the height of this element is 0.5 m. Quite often, the base is not subjected to high -quality and reliable insulation, but this is considered a mistake by the owners of the structure. The fact is that through this element a lot of heat goes from the structure, so it is advisable to warm it well and fully and fully.

What materials can be used for insulation of the basement?

For this part of the foundation, only high -quality and reliable materials should be used, which will reduce heat loss, and will also easily cope with various negative atmospheric influences.

Most often, external insulation of the basement is carried out, since in the internal process you can observe the accumulation of condensate on insulation, even when using waterproofing materials, so such insulation will not be durable.

The choice of a particular insulation depends on the climatic conditions used the house, as well as on how much money for this process can be allocated by owners of the construction. The most popular thermal insulation materials for these purposes are:

Mineral wool, which is used for many processes for insulation, however, this material loses its parameters under the influence of moisture, so it should be well protected from it with waterproofing films;

polystyrene foam with excellent performance;

foam, which is inexpensive and easy to use;

foamyplex, which is considered new and modern insulation.

Each material has its own characteristics and parameters, as well as the use of each variety requires the use of specific work technology. Therefore, it is important to know how to work with each type, as well as what is its characteristics to make the right choice.

Insulation of the base of the house with polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is considered an excellent thermal insulation material, which is distinguished by a magnificent ratio of cost and quality. Its main positive parameters include:

environmental cleanliness;

resistance before moisture;

high strength, which allows the material to withstand significant mechanical loads, and at the same time it will not deform or break;

It is not exposed to various fungi;

Service is about 50 years.

This material is available in plates, the thickness of which can be of different. The choice of specific material depends on the climatic features of the territory, as well as on what material the base itself is made of. Most often, extruded polystyrene foam is used, the thickness of which is 5 or 7 cm. The process of insulation using this material is divided into the following stages:

The surface of the base is prepared, for which various chips, potholes, dirt or other problems are eliminated;

The entire base is covered with plaster, which includes cement, lime and sand;

As soon as the solution is completely dry, it is necessary to clean it with a skin, after which a primer is applied;

a waterproofing layer is applied;

The plates of extruded polystyrene foam are mounted directly, which are attached to the surfaces using a special glue designed to work with this insulation;

If any irregularities are found during operation, then they need to be quickly eliminated, so the correct location of each element should be checked using the level;

It is not recommended to additionally use any mechanical fasteners, since they can disrupt the integrity and quality of the heat-insulating layer;

Separate heater slabs are joined with each other using a special spike-puzzle connection, since this allows you to prevent the possible formation of cold bridges;

Additionally, it is recommended to close all the created joints with mounting foam;

As soon as all surfaces of the basement are covered by thermal insulation material, they need to be covered with a reinforcing mesh, and after that a layer of plaster is created;

Any suitable finishing materials intended for use on the street can be used on top of dried plaster, and most often for this purpose, natural or artificial stone, siding or brick is used.

Thus, the base can be insulated with various materials, however, it is extruded polystyrene foam that is considered the best choice for these purposes. It has many positive parameters, and is also easy to use, therefore, everyone can cope with all tasks on their own. The result is a high -quality, durable and stable to many influences insulation of the basement.