Warm water device

Paul installation is one of the last stages of building a house. Often this process is combined with another important procedure — the installation of metal -plastic pipes that form the future warm floor.

This heating method is most often used in houses in which the basis of the floor is a concrete screed. It is desirable that such a screed is flooded on a concrete overlap or to a quenching from expanded clay.

The process of creating a warm water floor is not difficult and, moreover, it costs significantly less than the installation of an electric warm floor.

The creation of a warm floor begins with the preparation of the necessary materials. And they are a metal -plastic pipe, fittings that have an outer thread, a long cord and two taps equipped with a threaded connection. Most of these materials will need to be purchased. However, first determine the length of the metal -plastic pipe. To do this, picking up a cord, you need to put it throughout the floor. The distance between the rows should not exceed 10 centimeters. The cord is set according to the scheme shown in the picture.

It shows that the beginning and end of the pipe converge in one place. Когда канатик является выложенным на полу, берут рулетку и измеряют его длину. The resulting value and will be the desired length of the tube. It is worth saying that a very profitable option is a metal -plastic pipe. The reason for this is that it bends perfectly, and therefore the laying process will not require the use of additional knee fitting.

Moreover, the absence of the need for installation of fittings allows you to simplify the work and save time that can be used to view various web pages dedicated to warm floors. Some of them tells what difficulties can meet when installing electric warm floors, and why doesn’t warm the warm floor after several years of work.

The diameter of the metal -plastic pipe should be 20 mm. When the process of buying such a pipe is carried out, the pipe is laid out on concrete according to the above scheme. After laying out the pipe and fixing it using a concrete screed, you can start installing tiles. Experts recommend laying the tiles on glue, and not on cement mortar. A layer of glue over the pipes should be equal to one centimeter. If this layer is made thicker, then heat losses will grow.

After laying out the tiles to the ends of the pipes mount fittings and taps. Next, there is a connection to the rest of the heating system or directly to the heating boiler.