The stalling lawn device and the secrets of caring for it

The stalling lawn is prestige, expressed in plant equivalent. It can rightfully be called the most spectacular, but also the most problematic in terms of care. How to properly organize such a lawn as preparing the soil and how to care for it, you will learn from this article.

What distinguishes the parader -type lawn?

Sowing the lawn

This type of garden decoration requires careful and constant care, does not tolerate a careless attitude and quickly loses the look if you forget about it for a couple of weeks.

«Plater» is not intended for it to go to it. It serves as a decoration of the site, so they break it in the most prominent places — in front of the house, among fountains, decorative sculptures.

Such a lawn should be very soft and thick. According to the unspoken canons, a raw egg, abandoned from a height of one meter, should not break, but drown in Sherne.

If the «stalls» is decorated with flower beds, then the latter cannot occupy the area more than herbal cover.

In any case, if you decide to break such a lawn, then be prepared for difficulties, starting from choosing a place and ending with daily care.

The disadvantages of the «green stall» can negate all the pleasure of its landing:

He does not tolerate trampling, that is, children will not be able to freeze on the grass, animals — take a walk, and you — go to the garage;

Three and seeds for him are much more expensive than for any other;

Cereals used for planting germinate slowly and grow for a long time.

Choosing a place and preparation of soil for the «green stall»

The arrangement of the lawn

Undoubtedly, this model of garden art is simply obliged to be in a worthy place — at the front door or in the most prominent part of the garden. Others are added to this request:

Sufficient lighting;

Competent drainage;

Fertile soil (it is possible to use a specially prepared mixture, but this option is too expensive);

High -quality alignment, since the slightest fossa will be noticeable under short -cut grass.

If the land in the alleged area of ​​sowing is too dry, clay, has increased acidity or is not fertile enough, do not despair. This can be corrected with vegetable soil.

Plant soil is the upper part of the fertile soil layer, usually consisting of peat and sand. The latter gives the soil good water — and breathability, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the root system of any herbs.

Special plant soil is purchased from agricultural enterprises, usually it is supplied in parties in several cubic meters. When purchasing soil, take into account that a plant soil layer should be at least 40 cm. Pour it after careful digging and alignment of the earth on the site.

Stalling lawn — composition

Tall or broad -leaved herbs and plants are not suitable for creating «stalls». You can simplify the landing procedure as much as possible using ready -made mixtures from agricultural stores.

If the desire to experiment with the composition is great, then listen to the following recommendation: take the seeds of narrow -leaved plants with small lower leaves (in the middle strip of Russia it is a white field, an ordinary field, a mezzanine, oatmeal).

The mezzanine of meadow, or Kentukk blue grass, is usually the basis of stalls. It is slowly rooted, but it forms a fairly loose bush, grows well and ensures a delay resistant to adverse factors — trampling and drought. Thus, this plant must be present in the mixture in an amount of at least 50%.

Belaya field is very valuable lawn grass. It is a cereal growing a bundle, creating a unique soft layer. However, this type of field requires fertile soil, regular watering and fertilizer fertilizers.

Oatmeal — cereal, most resistant to adverse conditions. All its types — hairy, hard and red — have rich color, thin leaves, grow well in sunny and shaded areas, are resistant to trampling.

Use these herbs separately or combine them with each other in equal quantities — and get a beautiful and sufficiently persistent stalling lawn. Examples of mixtures:

Lugovoi rebellion — up to 80%, red oatmeal — 20%;

Lugovoi rebellion — 50%, red oatmeal — 20%, thin field — 30%.

Sowing is made in prepared soil in spring or autumn. Immediately after sowing, abundant watering is required.

Lawn care

Keep in mind that even with the most careful care, your “green stall” will turn into a soft carpet from herbs far from immediately. It will take several seasons for the obsolete layers of herbs to form soft turf, and the herbs themselves have grown enough.

The haircut is carried out using a lawn mower once every two to three weeks to a height of 3-4 cm. To trim the edges use a trimmer.

Upon the arrival of autumn, the lawn should be thoroughly cleaned of fallen leaves, otherwise the grass will begin to sprinkle under them, and the fungus may develop in difficult cases, which will require a complete replacement of plant soil.

Three or four times in spring and summer, feed the herbs with mineral fertilizers. The first complementary foods with complex nitrogen -containing mixtures are carried out in the spring before the growth of herbs, and the last feeding with potassium fertilizer should be in October, this will increase frost resistance. Be sure to make a haircut before winter.

They do not go to the «partner» even in winter, as this can kill sleeping growth buds located at the roots.

In the spring, when the snow is melted, make sure that a puddle does not form on the lawn, distribute the snowdrifts evenly throughout the area, and also, if possible, do not walk on the ground until it dries.

Two weeks after the first feeding fertilizers, make the so -called combing — the removal of felt and plant residues formed during the winter. This procedure is performed along and across the lawn using conventional rake, while the pressure force should be of the average. Finish it with the help of fan grab, walking along the lawn with less effort. Ideally, you need to collect very small residues of plants using a special garden vacuum cleaner.

The next step in spring is aeration, that is, saturation of the soil with air. Do this simply with the help of ordinary forks, which pierce the turf to a depth of about 8 cm in places of special sealing or growth of moss. Or you can use special equipment — aerators.

The last stage of spring care is to fight weeds. The mechanical method (manually weeding) is very laborious, but effective. And the treatment with herbicides is simple, but cultivated plants can also damage.

Thus, the creation and maintenance of a worthy type of «green stall» will require a lot of effort. But the result will delight the eye for many years.

List of materials for sowing and contents:

Plant soil-0.2-0.4 cubic meters per 1 sq. m. site;

Seed mixture-200-300 grams per 10 kV. m. lawn;

Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers;


List of necessary tools:


Robble twisted;

Fanny rake;

Aerator or pitchfork;

Lawn mower;
