Sewage device in a private house — which system is better to choose?

The sewage device in the country house has its own specifics. It is very important to arrange a system of drains as close to each other, because in this case you will save money on laying pipes. Therefore, it is desirable to get a kitchen, bathroom and bathroom during construction.

The nuances of the sewage device

In the video, setting a container under a septic tank

Typically, plastic pipes are used to lay the sewage system. The diameter of the general line should be at least 100 mm. The slope from the longest point should not be less than 4 °. In this case, you will provide a normal system. It is advisable to install equipment in turns so that you can clean the pipes in a timely manner.

It is excellent if your house has a warm basement, because the pipes can be laid in it, and not take precious centimeters in the rooms. The outer part of the sewage system leads either to storage containers or to the central manifold. However, in the private sector it can be impossible to connect to citywide stocks, so you have to equip autonomous containers or treatment stations. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the sewage device in a private house is the choice of treatment.

Why do not equip the cesspool?

Demonstration of autonomous sewage of a country house

The sewage system in a private house can be based on the principle of a simple cesspool. This method has almost outlived itself, although only half a century ago there was no other way and did not exist. The cesspool is a well that has only brick or concrete walls. Water with sewage, getting into the pit, is cleansed very slightly. Solid waste remains at the bottom, where they accumulate. From time to time the well must be cleaned.

The disadvantage of the cesspool is that with the average daily volumes of drains more than 1 m3, the water does not have time to cleanse, groundwater is contaminated and the sources are in close proximity can be infected. The situation does not even save the forced adding microorganisms to the pit.

Therefore, the arrangement of such a divert of the sewage system is possible only in summer cottages where accommodation is limited to a short period of time and a lot of water is not consumed. For a residential building, it is better to choose another system. And the most optimal option is a septic tank.

Septic tank of concrete rings — a sewage scheme of a country house

Most often, engineering calculations of autonomous sewage system are carried out simultaneously with the planning for building a house. There are several rules by which the location of the septic tank is selected:

The distance from the house should be at least five meters.

The septic tank should be located on a hill to avoid flooding with its rain and meltwater.

From a well or well, a septic tank should be at a distance of at least 30 m.

If there is a river or reservoir in the construction zone, then there should be from 10 and 30 minutes of foot, respectively.

The septic tank consists of two to three reservoirs, and in this case we will use concrete rings. Personnel, getting into the wells, go through the cleaning system, after which they simply go into the ground. Disinfection is based on the principle of fermentation. Therefore, the first reservoir is made airtight. Oxygen is already entering the second, as a result of which microorganisms besiege drains, and purified water, entering the soil from the third well, does not cause any harm to the environment. And yet, there is no complete autonomy here, since the system has to be cleaned. How often — depends on the load.

The arrangement of the septic tank begins with the calculation of the average daily volume. According to technology, tanks should be 3 times more than this indicator. For installation of the septic tank, three pits 3 m deep are pulled out, and concrete pillows are made at the bottom of the first two (or use fees with a ready -made bottom). The bottom of the latter is covered with gravel. Moreover, if the purified water enters any reservoir, it is also necessary to install chlorine-patron. After that, concrete rings are lowered into the pits and seal all the joints (and sometimes the entire outer part) with liquid glass, bitumen or cement. Switch pipes should be supplied at a slight angle so that the drains freely fall into the tanks. Each subsequent connection should be 0.2 m below. Next, the hatches are installed.

Naturally, you need to organize the ventilation of the septic tank. Two pipes are used for this. The supply of the supply should be below the ilver to ensure normal traction and prevent the accumulation of explosive gases.

It is worth considering that the septic tank takes up a lot of space, so not all owners of private houses can afford it.

There are already finished septic tanks, and even low performance devices are quite expensive. However, this is not a reason to give up a comfortable life in your own house. Moreover, now you know how sewage works.