DIY sewage device

The private sewage system contains internal and external networks of sewer pipelines, an antiseptic and the structure of biological wastewater treatment. DIY sewage device created in its own residential structure must comply with GOST requirements for sewer networks and plumbing equipment, this also applies to the installation of the lines of transmission of water flows in accordance with the project accepted for the construction of housing.

Do -it -yourself sewers photos

A similar project of sewage support to order can be carried out in a competent architectural and design organization, which is based on the initial data provided by you as the owner of the dwelling, selects the structure and size of the treatment facilities, as well as the sequence of their installation and layout.

The local sewage supply network located outside is purely for the supply of sewage type of water resources from buildings to numerous treatment collectors. For its installation, ceramic in composition, concrete, iron -shaped, asbestos and plastic non -pipe tubes with an approximate diameter of at least 150 millimeters are used. The supply of wastewater treatment plants in the systems of a locally located sewage system is often carried out by gravity. To fulfill this condition of the external network tube, it is necessary to fit with a slope of at least eight thousandths. The approximate depth of the external system tubes is usually accepted, given the further operation of the sewage network located, nearby, in this area. In the absence of such data, the smallest size of the sewer tubes can be accepted about three tenths of meters less than the highest depth of soil, but not less than seven tenths of the pipe to a planning, clearly fixed mark.

Tips finally

In general, before choosing a sewage system to install in your home, you should clearly imagine the principle of functioning of the sewage system, which somewhat reminiscent of the principle of removing excrement from the residential structure, using understandable, natural mechanisms. From the very beginning, all the drains fall into the accumulative container, where the process of lightening waste and their reproduction passes.

Further, this substance is sent to a separate block, where inorganic residues are filtered. Only after this procedure, the already purified liquid enters the container with a solution of the disinfecting composition, where the day is cleansed for a day. After passing these stages, wastewater either goes into the reservoir or seeps into the ground.

DIY sewage system — video