The construction of the pool

The pool is a complex engineering structure, for it you need to first adjust the power of the heating and sewage system, and then reconsider the ways of glazing.

First, decide where you need a pool, outside or inside. You are a fan of splashing in the water in the open air? This is your choice. However, in this case, consider weather conditions in your area. But will you prevent you from buying clouds, but for them and rains? If you like a closed pool more, then keep in mind that its cost is much higher than open. However, everything has its advantages, for example, you do not need to save the pool bowl in the cold season. If you did not think about the pool when you designed, then built your house, then you will have to use the open type of pool, which, despite your simplicity, will give your yard extraordinary beauty.

Open or closed version? The pros and cons, of course, both options have, but for the final choice, consult with specialists.

Remember that when addressing amateurs on the construction of the pool, the result may grieve you. With a similar approach — the foundation for the bowl will usually be made with violations and as a result — a huge pillar of water breaks the bowl. Or another option, when calculating the heating system, the pool was not taken into account and as the result of all this is cold water in the pool, and the worst of all is the malfunction of the heating system.

Do not forget about the drain from the open type of water in the winter time. Forgetting about this, you can damage the pool bowl when the water freezes. If such a problem has appeared in a closed -type pool as fogging of the windows, then you need to pay special attention to the ventilation system and heating the floors, and use not standard double -glazed windows as windows, but better with the energy conservation system.

Do not forget about the supply system in large volumes to the water basin, and in addition about its drain. As for the installation sites of pools, another serious. Open -type pools are best installed away from deciduous trees so that the leaves do not fall into the pool bowl. Closed pools are best installed in the rooms of a large area, where, as a rule, a lot of sunlight falls.

Want a permanent stationary pool, then be prepared for large volumes of construction work. Plus a concrete pool is its long service life, minus is higher labor costs: dig a pit with a calculated depth that does not exceed the depth of your long -awaited basin. If you are ready for this, then you can think about the shape of the pit itself: in the shape of a square, a rectangle, circle, oval, etc. p. Just do not forget that the more complicated the form, the more expenditures and time the excavation will require excavation.

Having chosen the form, we proceed directly to the concreting of the pool bowl itself. There are many technologies, but there are several rules: if the thickness of the concrete of a layer of less than 0.25 m., then, under the influence of soil freezing in winter, cracks may appear. For concreting, we proceed to the arrangement of the waterproofing system, because, as you know, such a material as concrete does not serve as a perfect barrier for such a substance as water. The waterproofing system can be both superficial and penetrating. They lined the pool bowl (tiles or mosaic), which means that the bowl under the pool is completed. However, this step is not at all required in the case of using such a material as a synthetic film like «liner». The synthetic film, being whole, has the following advantages — absolutely does not pass water, has a aesthetic look. In this case, you get a pool that has no seams, and most importantly, when using it, the pool will cost you a much smaller amount compared to the cladding of the same pool with tiles. However, it is already clear how much the pool is an expensive toy.

A more expensive pool option is a caisson. This type is used in cases where there is a significant level of groundwater. When working on this type of pool, even more complex construction work will be required, compared with the above types of pools. The construction of such a pool begins with the laid on its bottom of the reinforced concrete slab, and then the Cesson (welded metal (plastic) bowl, protected from the outside with a special coating). Further, the concrete will be poured into the intervals between the bowls and walls of the pit, but the inner surface of the caisson is plastered and completed with a layer of waterproofing. The result is high reliability, high cost.

Economy class is a collection-sectional type of pool that does not require labor-intensive work. The requirement for them is only a certain deepening, however, it is easier than a simple one: the bowl is assembled from separate panels that are made using a corrugated steel sheet, as well as a special film. This design with stiffeners (to strengthen the panels) allows you to calmly pass the arrival of the winter season, remaining in the previous form.

There are various options for pools, but most importantly, no money will replace that unforgettable vacation in the family circle near such a long -awaited gift. Dare!