Hot water supply riser

After deciding on the replacement of water, running elements of plumbing equipment, you should start with such a part of its hot water supply, should also be taken into account that the replacement of the risers of water supply, both hot and cold, can entail a significant change in the design idea of ​​the entire restroom rooms. Decide whether you will mount them directly in the cavity of the walls or will be sheathed on top with gypsum cardboard, as well as cover with tiles.

In the Soviet period, panel houses were mainly installed by water supply risers on top of the structural elements of the wall and heating pipes, and not in niches.

Photos of hot water risers

In the new period of construction, the risers of the sewer supply, as well as the cold water supply, are mainly laid in the cavities, and the riser with hot water is usually located in the sanitary node or in the bathroom in front of all residents. It is like a mechanism of a water mill for a garden in the old days.

In short, you decided to replace the water supply risers, or for design, or due to its technical characteristics. To begin with, it would be nice, at least approximately, to calculate the heat for hot water supply in order to avoid problems with the housing and communal services of your apartment building.

Firstly: you should agree with neighboring citizens who are located on top and below you, so that you can connect without trouble to their communications, that is, replace the pipe in the field of ceiling towards the heating system of neighbors, and also towards the ceiling overlap of neighboring residents above.

The last nuances

Partitions should be overcome neatly, smearing all cavities with insulation, since the tubes mainly rust and destroy in these crossings.

If the residents do not agree that you are connected to their water supply system, and you will still mount the risers, you need where you will have plastic compounds with metal parts, leave a small tolerance. If you close the tube with gypsum cardboard and hide it all on top of the finishing tiles, and the neighbors at the top or below water communications will flow, after a certain period of time you will still be forced to provide access to the water supply tube.

Your refusal to provide access due to the fact that the tenant has ever wanted to change or give it nothing to be decided, but only your nerve cells are trained, because the risers themselves are the essence of overall use if the water is blocked throughout the riser, then there will be no liquid for all residents in an apartment building.

Replacing the riser of hot water — video