DIY table

If the question arises about whether it is possible to make a table made of wood with your own hands, then the answer here is unequivocal — yes, this is completely easy.

And in order to get an interesting, strong and beautiful product at the output, it is absolutely not necessary to be a reducer master or a high category carpenter, it is enough to know the principle of assembly of the table and have minimal skills when handling tools.


Before you start developing a concept, appearance and choose material for the future table, it is necessary to decide on its purpose. What it will be: a small coffee table, a dining or kitchen massive table, or maybe you need a summer option to install it in the gazebo?

This is a very important, one might say, fundamental moment, which must be worked out before the start of the manufacture of a table made of wood. The number of materials, the volume of work, as well as the qualitative characteristics of the impregnation and finish coating, depends on this.

Important! Any wood furniture installed outside of heated rooms (gazebo, cottage for seasonal residence, etc. D.) is much more exposed to negative external influences than analogues located in living rooms. And as a result, during their production it is required to use special products with a high degree of protection: antiseptics, impregnations from wood parasites, a variety of primers, oils and enamels that do not lose their properties in the open air.

Types of wooden tables

A wooden countertop can be of any shape and size, the main principles when choosing these parameters: expediency and dimensions of the existing room.

● The most simple in the manufacture of a tabletop of a traditional rectangular shape, made of a solid furniture shield — using a jigsaw or circular saw, he is given the necessary dimensions, and everything, the base of the table is ready.

● A more complex option is a tabletop from boards (lamel) in order to get a perfectly smooth surface, they must be thoroughly glued together, and then treated with a grinding machine.

● the necessary shape with round and oval countertops is given using a jigsaw for curly cutting.

Important! It is possible, but inappropriate and even dangerous, choosing MDF and Chipboard as a material for the countertop, this statement is due to the method of production of plates, in which phenol formaldehyde resins and other substances are used to significantly harm health.

Legs for wooden tables

● square — for their manufacture, bars of various sections are used, as a rule, at least 50 × 50 mm, this parameter depends on the size and, accordingly, the weight of the countertop.

● Figure, from bars or bars — you can purchase ready -made in stores that sell furniture fittings or in the presence of equipment and skills, make it independently on a milling machine.

● from the boards — this type of legs is placed in the end zones of the table and is mandatory equipped with connecting elements (tsar), as well as to increase the area of ​​the support, a stable stand. To give aesthetics and some external lightness, the legs are decorated with decorative cuts, cuts and other elements.

Advice! In order to give the wooden table sophistication and originality, it is not necessary to invent complex decoration or use expensive wood species, you can simply change the number of supports (used from 4 to 1 legs), and such a product will look very original.

Materials for a table made of wood

When choosing the material, it is important to decide what exactly I would like to get in the end, t. e. How the table should look, here it is worth paying attention to such characteristics of wood as:

Strength and durability, in relation to wood, these are synonymous words that guarantee the longest use of the product without loss of appearance.

The texture — despite the fact that any tree has annual rings, when it was dissolved on the boards, the appearance of different breeds will look unequal.

Hardness — this factor mainly affects the complexity of work, relatively soft breeds are sawn, polished and processed on various machines much easier.

Color — it cannot be said that this is a fundamental factor, especially, making a table with your own hands, involves the finish coating of the finished product with protective compounds, varnishes or paint, which can radically change the natural shade of wood.

Video: table and benches from a tree trunk — with your own hands