Brick pillars

Fences are mandatory elements for many private sections. They can be formed from different materials, however, the most persistent and reliable are the designs that consist of strong brick pillars, between which various sheets or other materials are attached.

It is important to correctly install brick pillars so that they are strong, stable and even. If desired and the availability of time, you can do this work on your own. As a result, you can get a design on a site that will look solid, and will also be an excellent obstacle to unauthorized penetration into a private territory.

DIY brick columns

The plan of the upcoming work

To get pillars with all the necessary positive parameters, you must first draw up a special plan for the upcoming process. It includes the following points:

It is necessary to decide on the material that will be used to create a fence, namely what will be attached between the pillars, in accordance with which the number of pillars, their size and other parameters are determined;

It is important to decide what the foundation for each pillar will be made of;

Which brick will be acquired for these purposes, as well as how its laying will be performed, and how protective caps will be mounted;

The optimal distance between individual brick pillars is determined, and this indicator should be such that in the future the elements do not squint and do not collapse;

It is decided what height these designs will have, and the height of two meters is considered optimal;

Metal core is provided in poles, and high -quality and reliable pipes are suitable for this, which can be replaced by several rods of reinforcement.

As soon as all the necessary issues are resolved, as well as various materials and elements, you can start direct construction work.

Technology for the formation of brick pillars for the fence

This process should be implemented in a certain sequence of actions. It is important to know which work should go first and which last. In this case, it is possible to ensure a result of a result that will be high -quality and durable.

1. Formation of the foundation for pillars.

Since brick pillars have a significant weight, it is necessary for them to organize a strong and reliable basis. To do this, it is initially important to mark the entire territory to determine exactly where the pillars will be located for the future fence. In these places it will be possible to start organizing foundations for each pillar.

The process of forming the basis is divided into the following stages:

A hole is created in the ground, and it can be done manually or with the help of a drill, its depth should be approximately 1 meter, and the thickness and length are 40 cm.;

The bottom of the resulting deepening is covered with a layer of sand;

The core for the future pillar is installed, for which a pipe or several rods of reinforcement can be used;

The pit is poured with concrete solution, which can be bought or made independently, and it is important to fill the fill in sequentially and slowly, piercing and mixing the mixture with a metal bar to avoid voids in the structure;

It is important to wait for the complete hardening of the concrete solution, after which the construction of the pillar itself begins.

2. Direct creation of brick pillars

As soon as the foundation for each future brick column is ready, you can start the masonry itself of these elements. It is important to provide for the presence of a special and suitable solution for laying brick in all parameters. In this case, the resulting elements will be durable and durable. The solution should include cement and sand, as well as lime, and all components should be ridiculous in the correct and suitable proportions.

For laying the first three rows, only full -bodied bricks should be used, but all subsequent rows are allowed to be formed using facing brick. The masonry process itself is the following works:

The optimal amount of the masonry solution is applied to the finished foundation and the first brick row is laid out, which needs to be checked for evenness using the level, and if there are distortions or other problems, they must be eliminated;

The next row is laid out on the first row in the same way, and it is important to remove excess solution or vice versa to increase its amount if necessary, as well as check the evenness of the masonry;

In the same way, the entire column is made of bricks, and the space that remains between masonry and a metal core should be filled with concrete solution;

All pillars are also performed, and all of them should be perfectly even and similar in parameters and sizes.

3. Decorating the obtained designs

It is important not only to make brick pillars correctly, but also to decorate them beautifully and original, for which various technologies and materials can be used. During operation, the appearance of the structure itself should be taken into account, as well as those elements that will be fixed between the pillars.

Thus, the creation of brick pillars intended to form a reliable and strong fence does not make up a special pipe, therefore it is realized without problems on its own. It is with these elements that you can get a durable, beautiful and strong design.