Glass sink in the interior of the bathroom

Make the design of your bathroom unique, interesting, functional, comfortable and exquisite the task of today completely solved.

Manufacturers of tiles, plumbing, furniture and bathroom accessories offer such a wide line of models of various goods that you can satisfy the most sophisticated consumer.

Whatever the style of interior decoration he chooses, pick up elements and reveal all design techniques can be easy. I would like to dwell separately on such an element of functional decor as a glass shell.

Great design solution is a glass shell

Prejudice in the fragility and fragility of glass can be placed in the past. Now glass shells are also made by shock -resistant hardened quartz material, which is resistant to the formation of chips, scratches, cracks.

Various additives and modern processing methods allow not only to change the color and texture of the glass, giving similarities either with metal, then with natural stone and staining the sink into conceivable and unthinkable shades, but also allow you to create safe and functional objects in operation.

Thus, a glass shell is not just a beautiful technique for interior decor, but also a utilitarian, convenient to use accessory.

For small and for large bathrooms

In the interior of the bathroom of a small area where there is a struggle for each centimeter, a shell of transparent glass, by the way, is visually increasing the room and does not take precious centimeters of volume and looks lightweight.

It is better to choose a sink of dim, muffled natural shades, do not install a washbasin with a massive countertop or placed on a volumetric pedestal — all this will visually weight the interior.

The so -called soaring or suspension sink will look advantageous.

For a large bathroom, glass shells passing into the countertop installed on a pedestal or cabinet, bright colors, semi -water or with a pattern are suitable.

In spacious bathrooms, you can supplement such a sink with accompanying decor elements:

— glass toilet table in the same color,

— make cabinet doors so that they will support the general style,

— focus on floor vases with flowers,

— Glass stool in color ..

Glass sink in the interior — what kind of species it is?

The bowl on the pedestal

The forms of such bowls can be from the classic hemisphere or rectangle to a bizarre flower.

This is the most convenient option for the option, since the necessary little things can be placed on the stand, for example, a glass for dental brushes or a bottle of liquid soap. This option is suitable for a small bathroom and for a large.

Suspended shell

It is also called soaring. It takes up little space, looks airy, does not weight the interior, perfect for small and medium bathrooms.

It will fit a remarkably into the bathroom glamorous style, creating an element of magic and lightness. The suspension sink will take up little space, but there will be some difficulties in use, no items cannot be placed on it.

A sink with a countertop — a single whole

This option is very convenient and absolutely suitable for unstressed conditions. It is voluminous and often comes with the cabinet, but this allows you to cover with prying eyes various jars of sheeps, moo-rags, bathroom care items and personal hygiene products.


The only conditional disadvantage of such shells is the need for frequent care, on the glossy surface there are stains from tough water, and you will have to somehow cope with this.

The use of abrasive products is not recommended, because they spoil the surface of the sink and in the future will deprive its shine.

You can use conventional detergents, and after use, wipe the sink dry, so that the stains from soap coat and water do not stay.

Due to the glass of glass, take any shape and be painted in various colors, you can really create your own in a single copy of the bathroom interior using a decor element as a glass shell.