Put the sliding doors

Cope doors are increasingly found in residential premises, not only in offices and public places. Sliding structure is an excellent option for interior doors for the rational use of space. On the market, today, a whole many diverse models of sliding canvases are already represented, and you can easily choose the door to any interior and layout. Such doors when used are moved parallel to the wall.

Sliding doors-compartment from the manufacturer can consist of several paintings or one. And what doors you need will depend on the doorway, more precisely its width. Sliding doors are placed in any doorway except arches. Perhaps you think that such doors yourself are difficult, on the verge of the impossible, but this is far from the case.

Nowadays, easily, you can purchase everything you need to install such doors. Choose suitable door leafs, doorbell, control of the upper and lower, upper and lower framing, profile-handle, a special mechanism with which the doors move along the rails, and other accessories. In addition, you need to purchase a carriage with rollers, which should be made of high -quality material and be resistant to wear. We also buy a stopper and a limiter that will limit the door and protect it from flowering from the rails during movement, as if stopping the door in the right position. And we also check the floor for a slope, t. To. If he is, then the door can skew. If necessary, the slope is aligned.

We perform the necessary measurements of the height of the opening and doors. Then fix the upper and lower guides. Then we put the upper rollers into the upper guide, and lift the lower rollers and put it into the lower guide — the door is installed. And at the end we install shut -off accessories.

For a more detailed description of the mechanism of work of sliding doors, it is fair to note that the system is without threshold, silent and very convenient to use. To install such doors, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort to put the slopes and ceilings in order. If it so happened that you have a kind and non -standard doorway, then you just need to calculate the height of the door. Another trick will be that for the installation of doors weighing up to 75 kilograms there is enough mechanism with two rollers, but with a weight of more than 75 kilograms you need to purchase a stronger mechanism with four videos. It is also worth attentive to the installation of the handles, they should not go beyond the edge of the door leaf. It is also necessary to install a special metal device. A kind of frame is needed because when opening the door goes into the wall, and it allows the door of this type to work normally and increases its resistance. It is also pleased that the production of such doors, just like the production of furniture facades, is so developed and affordable today that you can realize any plan for the repair and arrangement of your own housing.

A big disadvantage is that when installing cassettes with guides, you will have to partially destroy the wall. This will have to spend a little time and make some efforts. But then it is easy to fix the wall then with a sheet of drywall. A little work and your house will become cozy and stylish.