Methods of planting potatoes

Our amateur gardeners who are trying to get the maximum crop from their beds from year to year, allocating the minimum amount of land from precious 6 acres for the crop. The very agronomists have found optimal ways of planting potatoes.

But what is needed in order to get a good harvest of potatoes?

Be sure to soil. Potatoes loves loose, unmarried ground, so in order for the snow to come down earlier and the earth is dry faster, gardeners sprinkle the plot with peat or wood ash. After drying, they are fertilized with ash and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium sulfate).

An important factor when planting potatoes is played by plants grown in this area before. That is, if you want to prepare the soil in advance for your potato crop, then in a year you can plant almost any kind of legumes or early grades of cabbage. A separate place is occupied by an oily radish. Planted closer to the end of July, radish drives all potato diseases and pests from the site.

Punging the soil “under the winter” actually does not give a good effect for the future potato harvest. It is better to replace the digging with simple loosening or cultivation, especially after harvesting the soil itself is a little loose.

Methods of planting potatoes can be listed indefinitely, let us dwell on the usual and unusual ways. The traditional method of planting potatoes: on the plowed and pro -cultivated land, the beds are cut at a distance from each other and after 25 centimeters they plant a tuber. This distance is also equal to the height of the bayonet of the shovel. A huge drawback of this method is the destruction of the root system in the process of weeding and hilling and, as a result, loss of crop by 1.5-2 times.

The most original way of planting potatoes (the name of the inventor is unknown) was accidentally invented by one potato breeder. Very simple, productive, slightly advanced and completely non -consuming way of planting potatoes: take a barrel, bring compost about 10 cm high (we make the so -called compost pillow), then we pour the germinated stems with a new compost also by 10 cm. Repeat the process 4-6 times. You can also plant potatoes on the upper layers of compost. After 90-100 days from the date of landing the last tuber, we turn the barrel and collect the crop. Alleged «exhaust» from this method of landing — near the bag!

Other methods of growing potatoes can be viewed on specialized Internet sites. Remember that the larger the planting tuber, the greater the likelihood that the bush will be stronger, and the crop, therefore, is richer.