Homemade brick stove with your own hands (drawings)

Real brick stoves will never lose their popularity. Firstly-they are economical, secondly-extremely energy intensity, and thirdly-just beautiful! And therefore, they are in rare antiquity and are not compared with any modern heating systems.

Of course, if you want to make masonry independently, regardless of the chosen project, you will need to stock up on all the necessary materials and tools, as well as make the most detailed schemes of the future design. DIY Bricks with your own hands, drawings will have to include individual sketches of all sketches — otherwise the errors during masonry will lead at best to the deterioration of the operational qualities of the furnace, and in the worst — to its instability and possible destruction. If, by erecting brick stoves for the house, drawings with orderly will take into account all the smallest nuances of the construction process, the finished design can heat up the house without repairs, and even hundreds of years.

Brick furnaces for home

Any drawings of brick furnaces for the home will have to take into account the features of the project, since there are quite a lot of varieties of furnace structures. Nevertheless, all of them can be combined into 4 large groups of different purposes:

only for heating;

for heating and cooking;

representing a hybrid of a stove and fireplace;

saunas and bath stoves.

Important! For large buildings, experts are recommended to install not only the stove itself, but also the hotel boiler with it, supplying water to water heating systems.

Heating furnaces

This type of furnaces after construction will only accumulate heat, without possessing any additional functionality. However, constructive differences (reflected in drawings and guards and affecting operational characteristics), they have. In the shape of the furnace for heating the rooms, a rectangle, triangle and circle can represent in the cross section — although the last 2 options are quite exotic and are also complicated in installation. As for the masonry thickness, the furnaces, folded in 1 brick, are less warm -intensive, but have the fastest and most high heat transfer. An example is the well -known Dutchman — heated on the outer surface up to 60 ° C, supplied with two channels (“summer” and “winter”) and usually lined with tiles or tiles. There are more complex heating furnaces-for example, developed by the famous Russian engineer Grum-Grizhimaylo-but their own construction for a non-specialist is extremely complex.

Heating and welding stoves

The second class of furnaces is much wider — including because of the much greater popularity of traditional Russian brick furnaces in Russia, which used hundreds of generations of our ancestors. The functionality of such furnaces is incomparable with conventional heating stoves, since it provides not only the hob, but also the oven, the place for storing firewood, dishes, and also structurally includes a bed and even — in some versions — a water boiler.

The topic is no less, the first number of the rating of heating and welding furnaces is not a “Russian woman” at all, but a “Swede” (albeit repeatedly modernized by the native Russian engineers-Buslaev, Kuznetsov and others). Its parameters are inferior to the Russian furnace, usually being about a meter in depth, while most often spread out in such a way as to be in the wall between the kitchen and the living room (the front side — in the first, and the back — in the second).

However, this does not mean the small prevalence of the traditional Russian furnace-in villages and frequent sector it is still found everywhere and continues to fulfill its entire huge list of functions. Its design features allow the use of such a stove for cooking, frying, baking, drying of berries and herbs, as well as sleep, rest and even firing of clay dishes. True, one drawback is still inherent in it — the Russian stove warms the lower layers of air weakly, and therefore its more economical options are now widespread. Such mini-strokes have smaller dimensions (about 130 by 80 cm), allow you to use any solid fuel and are supplied at once with two asymmetric fireboxes.

Combined stoves-stone stoves

The third grade of brick furnaces-fireplace stoves, functionally designed both for heating the rooms and as a decorative element of the interior. Folding a fireplace stove is much easier than a full-fledged stove, moreover, this design takes up much less space. At the place of installation, they distinguish:

open fireplaces (looking well in spacious rooms, located right in their center);

closed fireplaces (equipped close to the wall or even more often — directly in it or a specially created niche);

Corner fireplaces (extremely convenient places in terms of saving and capable of heating two adjacent rooms at once).

All fireplace stoves are characterized by a D-shaped or P-shaped form, a wide portal that opens the view of the furnace, and a narrow long chimney.

Saunas and bath stoves

Finally, the last type of brick furnaces, the drawings and guests of which are not so complicated for independent masonry, are stoves for saunas and baths. “In the black” and even “in a gray” they are practically not drowned, but “in the white” and with the stove are used everywhere. Bath furnaces of brick, the projects of which are also very diverse, are also characterized by the presence of a water tank, as well as the use of natural stones (porphyrite, diabase gabbase and others), which have the greatest heat capacity and popularly known beneficial properties.