Garden tiles — durable beauty

In order to pave beautiful paths in country and suburban areas, in most cases, garden tiles are used. It occupies a leading place among all other materials that are intended for the improvement and decoration of territories. It stands out noticeably due to its decorative features and is the decoration of any site.

Road tiles — advantages of paving

Video — how to install a tile

Soil surface coating with tiles is useful not only in terms of aesthetics. Durable and durable material for paths does not allow the soil constantly sagging, prevents the gap of the surface and the formation of dirt on the site after rains. Such landscaped and even paths can be easily tidied in order, cleaning from leaves and snow, accommodate and even if necessary. But, as you can verify in practice, there are no special and mandatory rules for leaving for such paths.

High -quality styling guarantees the durability of paths, which means that before starting work it is necessary to study the technology of work, sit on the preparation of the project. The paths will be an integral part of the entire site, so their design should be combined with the general view of the garden or house territory.

An important feature of this material is its rigidity. In this parameter, the tiles exceeds concrete and even to some extent natural stone. And unequivocally, in terms of strength and durability, it exceeds the soft materials used in the process of garden paving — wooden chips or gravel. The weather conditions and whims of nature is not tile, and this is especially important for harsh climatic zones.

Tiles for paths — how to choose material for paving

A variety of types of material for paving tracks allows you to choose artificial or natural stones, as well as a clinker or ceramics. Each individual material used for paving is characterized by its own operational and technical features, and they must be taken into account when choosing before. In addition, the features of the exterior make you care about the choice of the shape of the tile. It happens of different shapes: wave -shaped, square, rectangular, curly in the form of a coil. Depending on what form will be chosen, the track with a certain original pattern is obtained. The variety of all these forms and sizes of tiles allows you to lay not only straight and even surfaces of the sites, but also curved, with turns, circular, etc. D. In many collections of tiles for garden paths, manufacturers make additional elements: these are the parts of the tiles that are laid in the last rows to obtain even edges of the paths. These additives save from the need to cut and saw the tile before laying.

Choosing the shape and shades of tiles, you should adhere to certain rules. It is pointless to chase fashion trends: if the garden is not decorated in a strictly defined style, does not stand out with a bright design, then the traffic tiles of a standard straight shape of dim shades are most suitable for the most suitable. If the garden plot or territory near the cottage house looks stylish, well -groomed, with a well -thought -out landscape design, then the tile should correspond to stylistically: it is combined by color, form and type of material that is used to build a house.

It is considered a good taste to use tiles of natural, not too bright shades. Matte, muffled, imitating natural colors look natural and very stylish. For a plot around a brick house, designers recommend using the material of red shades, and near wood buildings, gray and brown tiles look good. Experienced designers use a combination of various shades, but such an experiment does not do it independently so that a “tasteless combination” does not work out.

Garden tiles — thickness and other parameters

By the way, the price range on such tiles varies depending on the shape, color palette, as well as on the thickness of the tile. Someone is at a loss: why pay more for the tiles with a greater thickness, if you can lay usual, cheaper? It all depends on which territory the material for paving is selected. If the tile is selected for laying only two to three meters near the house, then, indeed, you can not overpay and get by with tiles with a minimum or medium thickness (30-40 mm). If the territory is soaked in order for people to go, and in order to get into the garage, cars will need to be chosen with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm. Thanks to this thickness, the tile coating can withstand the load from 1.1 to 20 tons per square centimeter, but there should already be reinforced tiles for this.

So that the garden paths have served a long time and look like a decoration of the site, they should not save on them. Then the landscape design on your site will be unique and original.