Roofed roofing roof

You decided to build a bathhouse. Or a summer house. Or you need a utility room on the site. In this case, as a rule, I do not want to spend a lot of money on the purchase of material for the roof, but I want it to “serve you faithfully” and fulfill his functions well. Когда требуется выбрать кровельное покрытие так, чтобы оно было дешевым и практичным, первое, что приходит на ум – это кровельный рубероид. It has been used in construction for many years and has established itself from the best side, especially in the ratio of «price-quality». And even the most inexperienced builder will be able to make a roof from roofing ground.

Moreover, this type of material has a number of positive properties. In particular, it is very easy to transport, it is talked and waterproof, has a sufficient level of elasticity.

Roll roofing material roofing material is made of special cardboard, which is impregnated with bitumen. Then, on top of this base, a coating of bitumen is applied, as well as sprinkling, thanks to which the roofing ruboroid does not stick together. As a rule, small sprinkling is applied to the lower layer, and large, roofing roofing roofing roofing with coarse -grained sprinkling is more stable, the exposure to weather phenomena, thereby its longer operation of it.

The advantages of roofing material include its low ability to absorb water, a high level of flexibility, which significantly simplifies the process of laying material on the roof. In addition, the roofing material is quite durable and resistant to high temperatures (as a rule, it is able to withstand heat up to eighty degrees). Among the main disadvantages of the roofing material is that it is unlikely to last you for more than ten years.

The manufacturer of the roofing ruboroid necessarily passes a number of checks, in accordance with which its characteristics are established. As a rule, its strength for rupture is at least 200 Newton, it should absorb water no more than 25 grams per square meter and start soften at a temperature of at least 80 degrees. It is worth noting that there is also a roofing material that should be used in cold regions: polymers are added to its impregnation, which allows roofing material to serve at a temperature of up to -50 degrees.

Brands of roof roof roofing material

If you think that it does not matter which roofing roof is to choose for your roof, they are all about the same, you are not quite right. There are several different types of roofing material, which differ both in their operational characteristics and by purpose.

When buying roofing material, you will probably see that it has certain letter designations that should definitely pay attention to. So, the roofing material is divided into roofing (indicated by a large letter K) and lining (respectively, this is the letter P). The roofing roofing material is characterized in that it is usually covered with a special painted coating, which allows the material to reflect light. The most functional is to sprinkle silver, it increases the ability of roots to reflect sunlight up to 40 percent.

Also in the designation of the roofing material there is a mandatory letter denoting the type of sprinkle. Accordingly, the letter K indicates a large -grained sprinkle (we have already said that this type of material is more resistant to adverse weather phenomena in the form of precipitation). M is a roof roofing roofing with fine sprinkling. Sprinking is also scaly (indicated by the letter h) and dusty (letter P).

If you meet the letter C in the abbreviation of the roofing material, this means that it is covered with a color package. And the letter E means that this roofing ruboroid is elastic.

After the letters, the numbers usually follow. They mean how many grams of cardboard were used for one meter square roofing material. Accordingly, the larger the figure, the denser and stronger roofing material.

Roofed roofing roof. GOST

The roofing material has standard release forms established by GOST. So, its width can be 1 meter, 1.25 meters or 1.5 meters. One roll can be from seven and a half to ten square meters of material.

Depending on the density, the weight of the roll will differ. So, for example, the ROPP300 roots will weigh 26kg, but RKK400 — already 28, and RCC400 — 30 kilograms.

Depending on its properties, each type of roofing material is used for certain purposes.

So, a coarse-grained roofing material density 350-420 g kV. m. used for the upper layer of the roof. In more detail, the purpose of the varieties of roofing material can be viewed in the table. But when choosing, remember that this type of material is still a temporary solution, so it will last you no more than ten years.