Raw plaster painting will allow you to turn an apartment into a museum of art

Many people believe that painting on raw plaster is a waste of time, but this is not so. How often we, entering temples, see whole “paintings” on ceilings and walls — exquisite frescoes that can be found in almost all countries of the world: Egypt, France, Germany, Spain. True, in our country this art was forgotten for a while, however, today it is gaining new «turnover». And if everything is done correctly and according to the rules, then even artists of the Vatican palaces will envy the resulting result.

Painting on decorative plaster — we reveal the secrets of the masters

Video represents artistic decorative painting

Many can just shook their shoulders, asking, they say, why should I know something if there are people who can do everything for me? However, it is worth imagining such a situation — the master carried out all the necessary work, and after literally a year the walls began to crumble, and all the “beauty” got down? And only then, when there is a need to carry out additional repair work, you will find out that something was done incorrectly. That is why you should know how the plaster painting is carried out so that during the work you can monitor how everything happens.

Before applying the finish, it is necessary to “distort” the surface of the walls as “tougher” as possible. However, this is one of the stages of preparation. After that, it is necessary to moisturize the plaster, the solution of which must include either large sand or chopped by small pieces of straw. Next, the mixture should be applied to the working surface, the layer is about two to three centimeters, while it is not necessary to wipe it — after all, the ceiling and walls should not be smooth. The maximum that can be done is to roll a hard roller on the surface, or slightly beat with a wooden bar, which will allow you to tamp the solution a little, and also improve adhesion for subsequent adhesion to the next layer.

We applied the first layer of material. Here, questions immediately arise from those who first decided to carry out raw plaster: why so many layers, maybe one thing is enough? But usually in this way 5-7 layers are laid, while each of them should be applied only when the previous plaster dries 100%. And each of them should be thinner — for example, the last of the layers reaches no more than three millimeters, while it should contain the smallest sand, no straw and fragments of brick.

In addition, the last layer should be applied to that part of the wall that the finisor can cover at a time. By the way, the “painting” itself should be carried out according to even damp material, because, drying, it ceases to absorb moisture.

Raw plaster painting — what else you need to know

Decorative wall painting — Video

Even when the form of such finishing work appeared, the masters worked very quickly, knowing how the material “quickly”. Today, artists prefer to work thoughtfully and carefully, not in a hurry anywhere. In addition, in the modern world, you can first draw on paper or using computer programs, transferring it all to the surface, but earlier everything had to be done “by eye”.

After applying the circuit, you can switch to the use of softer brushes for the image, while you need to work as easier as possible, otherwise the pile of the tool can ruin the layer of material itself. But at the same time, working “through the sleeves”, the master will ruin the drawing due to the lubrication of the plaster itself — their components may mix, which can harm the final result.

Alternative mural methods

As you can see, this process is quite complicated, long and should be carried out very carefully, with knowledge of all the little things and nuances. But there is another method — painting by dry material. Its main advantage in the speed of work, since the mixture must be applied immediately after the layer dries. True, the solution should be special — based on casein glue. It must be applied to plaster several times, but almost everything can be used here: adhesive, oil, and you can also purchase a tempor. In general, you can just take and paint the plaster, however, it will not look so beautiful.

The masters carried away all their secrets with them, because for the painting of the most famous structures and buildings, they used their own paintings. But you should not despair — in modern construction stores you will easily find something the most suitable, the main thing is that the result is the one that you are waiting for.