Rhododendron in open ground

Among the most beautiful flowering shrubs grown in garden areas, this flower occupies one of the leading places. There are extremely many types of these colors — about 1000. Under natural conditions, these flowers grow in Southeast Asia — in Japan, China and Korea. It is found on the American continent, and in the Himalayas mountains.

This shrub can be blooming or evergreen and belongs to the heather family. The barrel bark and branches are usually flat, but sometimes fluffy is also found. The foliage has a dark green color, their shape is oval. The coloring of this shrub is the most diverse — from white and red to purple and lilac, and the flowers themselves are simple or terry.

Choosing a site for landing shrub

The place where these beautiful flowers will grow should be covered from strong winds and direct sunlight. But still this flower should grow in a prominent place to serve as a decoration of the site. Planting rhododendron near buildings, one should take into account the growth with the age of its crown. It should also be taken into account that snow falling from the roofs of buildings does not fall on the bushes.

Rhododendrons are not planted next to trees with superficial roots (spruce, birch, etc. D.), since these trees will take a large amount of nutrients and moisture. Bone fruit trees (drain, cherries, cherries) also do not plant next to these flowers — fruit plants will shade rhododendrons too much. But in the scattered shadow of oaks or pines, this shrub feels excellent.

Any variety of rhododendron (with rare exceptions) prefers loosened soil, into which water and air easily penetrate, the acidity of the soil should be increased.

When and how to plant

These plants are planted in open ground either in April — May, or already in September — early October.

The pit under this shrub is dug up quite wide and small (the depth of the hole is not more than 0.6 m), since the root system of the shrub is superficial and does not go deep into the soil. The bottom of the hole is lined with clay chips or gravel (the thickness of the drainage layer is not more than 0.3 m). But brick crumbs, concrete pieces or crushed stone from lime to drain the holes under the rhododendron — they have too high the calcium content.

The following nutrient mixture is prepared for planting this shrub: two parts of peat fertilizer, two parts of coniferous soil and 1 part of large river sand. Sprinks, mullein, any humus, backed or negative lime or ash do not add to this mixture. With this substrate, the planting pit is filled to a height of up to 0.45m and tightly tamped. Then the hole is dug up by the size of the roots of the rhododendron with a lump of earth. So that with watering, water does not flow from the trunk circle of the shrub, low sides are made along its edges.

Before planting this shrub, its root system is kept in water tank. When air bubbles cease to come out, the rhododendron can be planted in open ground.

The distance between the bushes of this plant varies depending on the height of the rhododendrons. Tall shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 200 cm from each other, medium -sized rhododendrons — up to 150 cm, compact plants are planted after 0.7 m.

Rules of care

The main thing when caring for these colors is watering. And although the rhododendron does not carry stagnation of groundwater in the soil, it should be watered regularly. Usually, under each bush of this flower, water is brought in a bucket of water every two days. Compact shrubs are enough and half of this amount of water.

If the weather is hot and dry, then in the early morning or evening the leaves of the shrub are sprayed with a solution of water and drugs such as zircon.


In the conditions of medium -sized Russia, it is better to choose such varieties of this shrub that can calmly winter at low air temperatures. In such varieties, even in frosts up to -35 degrees Celsius, neither shoots nor color buds freeze.

But if varieties that are not resistant to cooling are growing on the site, then they must be carefully hidden from cold air. For covering, a burlap or other similar material is usually used. The shoots of the shrub are pre -tightened with twine (but not much).

The shelter is removed after all the snow has come down in the spring. It is advisable to choose not a sunny fine day for this procedure. There should also be ensured that there is no strong wind.

Popular varieties

Rhododendrons are divided into three types:


half -earned;


Planting and caring for any of these plants are approximately the same, so this article will tell you about the basic principles of planting of rhododendrons. However, when choosing a specific type, attention should be paid to how resistant to low ambient temperatures. Since in the middle lane of our country the temperature in winter can drop below 30 degrees Celsius, the acquired rhododendron should withstand such a cooling.

The most popular among gardeners of our country are the following varieties of rhododendrons:

The rhododendron is dense — refers to low shrubs, blooming at the end of spring — early summer, sometimes blooms a second time in late summer. Varieties of this type of rhododendron:

Bdumaiz — flowers of a blue shade;

Blue Tit — the height of the shrub up to 100 cm, the flowers are medium, blue;

Blue Tit Magor — the height of the rhododendron 120 cm, the flowers are large purple with a blue tint;

Krumlov — low shrub (about 0.5 m), medium lilac flowers.