Drawings with liquid wallpaper on the wall

Liquid wallpaper has been widely used for the interior decoration of walls. They have a very attractive texture and allow you to make the walls beautiful even with the traditional way of applying. However, if you want to make your interior more original, pay attention to such a type of decoration as a pattern with liquid wallpaper on the wall.

Liquid wallpaper drawing in the interior

Liquid wallpaper, due to their specific properties, are quite simple and quickly applied, which allows them to be used to embody various creative ideas even without special skills in this area: the material is suitable for creating an image of any complexity, including voluminous.

Drawings with liquid wallpaper on the wall are the optimal solution due to a combination of aesthetics and practicality. Since this material is characterized by increased moisture resistance, it is especially relevant in the design of rooms such as a bathroom and kitchen.

When choosing such a decoration option as a pattern with liquid wallpaper, it is important to consider the features of the planning and lighting of the room.

So, in small or narrow rooms it is preferable to use a calm and cold color scheme, which will visually expand the internal space of the room. As a basis, the most suitable color is white, because against its background any other color looks most advantageous. Bright colors and bold combinations of shades are recommended to be used in spacious rooms with bright lighting and high ceilings.

It is no secret that not everyone has an innate sense of style. However, speaking of choosing a drawing when decorating a wall with liquid wallpaper, it should be said that the key to a good result is a sense of proportion. Do not mix a large number of colors and details in the composition: laconic simplicity sometimes looks much more elegant than variegated clumsy, especially in small rooms. Remember that when decorating the room, the main task of any decor is to emphasize the dignity of the interior, bring an element of comfort into it and create a unique, unique atmosphere that is characteristic of you and your home.

When choosing a pattern with liquid wallpaper on the wall, it is important to consider the specifics of a particular room: the theme and color scheme of the drawings on the wall of the kitchen can be brighter and simpler, while for the nursery, floral ornaments or drawings with the image of cartoon characters are more suitable. As for the bedroom or living room, image options are possible here: from abstractionism and strict geometry to landscape paintings or sophisticated oriental motifs.

DIY Liquid Walls drawing on the wall

Since liquid wallpaper is not complex material even for a beginner in the field of repair and construction, for decoration of the premises with their help it is not at all necessary to attract specialists from the side. Nevertheless, if you decide to make a drawing on the wall with liquid wallpaper with your own hands, you should take into account a few important nuances so that the final result of the work meets your expectations:

To designate the future image on the wall, it is most convenient to use a pencil, although markers or felt -tip pens are also suitable.

To work with a mixture of liquid wallpaper, you should wear protective gloves.

The drawing is applied to the surface with a roller in several layers.

Small elements of the image that could not be transferred to the wall with wallpaper can be finished using wax pencils or bright markers to the tone of the wallpaper.

The finished ornament must be left for drying for 24 hours.

To make the image brighter, you can use several colors to paint it. For a clear and even separation of the contours between the details of different colors, you can use tape or film that will help protect the finished layer of wallpaper from a contrasting.

For a complex or large image, you can use the stencil.

The algorithm of work when applying a picture using liquid wallpaper is extremely simple.

A primer is applied to a pre -cleaned and aligned surface.

After drying it, a sketch of the pattern is transferred to the wall, which is painted with liquid wallpaper. The circuit is processed using a spatula.

The next portion of the mixture is applied to that part of the wall that does not adjoin the previous.

After the mixture dries, aligning the drawing can be carried out using a conventional knife.