Foundation repair of a wooden house

The surface of the walls and base at a wooden house was covered with cracks of different sizes, from small to large? Moreover, if their number increases with every new day? This means that it’s time to start repairing the foundation of a wooden house. To do this, you can contact a construction company for repairs, you can hire a construction team yourself. But why bear the cost of what you can do on your own?

Yes, yes, the foundation of the old wooden house is precisely the part of the house, with the repair of which you can cope without attracting workers.

The main thing in this case is the state of the foundation and the amount of damage. Everything depends on this, on costs, to time and volume of work. Especially if you still decide to repair the foundation of a wooden house with your own hands.

This means that before starting work, you need to carefully examine all the damage. At the same time, this must be done not only in places of cracks, but to examine the entire foundation entirely. Suddenly the volume of work, there will be much more than you assumed it to yourself?

DIY foundation repair for a wooden house

First of all, you need to pay attention to this:

Are there any skewers in the openings of windows and doors. Suddenly, the cause of the precipitation of the foundation damaged the integral structure of the wooden structure;

If, in addition to cracks on the foundation, cracks appeared on the walls, you may have to strengthen the foundation;

Keep in mind that if groundwater is flooded every spring, then before starting the repair of the foundation, it will be necessary to solve the issue with the basement. In this case, it is better to get rid of it. In other words, you will have to fall asleep the existing basement, and only after that begin to repair the foundation of the old wooden house with your own hands;

It is also necessary to examine the entire base of the house. If at the time of the examination it is established that it has cracked, in some places have skewed that get ready for a more costly repair of the foundation in the house;

Do not miss the examination of the staircases. They should not be distorted and in no case should not change their position. You may have to look for the reason for such a change deeper than just to examine the surface of the house.

Why the foundation is cracking, for what reasons it is necessary to repair it?

The foundation is the foundation of the house. And there can be a lot of causes for this.

The most basic, of course, is that if a reinforced concrete high -rise building is being built nearby with a wooden house. In this case, problems with the foundation arise due to construction work in the neighborhood. If there is no such construction nearby, then it can be:

If at the time of construction of the foundation the norm of its congestion was not observed in deep;

Due to improper technical calculation already at the first stage of its construction;

At the time of construction, the technology of its construction was violated;

Not high -quality material was used;

There was a shrinkage of soil;

The level of groundwater has increased;

The house is built where the soil is exposed to progress;

Or is it just old age. There is nothing eternal. Foundation, no exception.

To make the repair of the foundation at the old wooden house, you can perform several methods of repair work:

Leave the foundation as it is. That is, make ordinary cosmetic repairs. Only in this case, the next year will come and next year you will again have to begin repair work. So, so that this does not happen better to strengthen the foundation. It is difficult to do this, you can’t do without the help of specialists and special equipment. But nothing is impossible. The main patience and work that will grind. And as a result, there will be a foundation at home as a new one, which will last for many more years.

You can strengthen the foundation by raising it using special jacks. Then, remove the old foundation, and put in its place, put a new one, in compliance with the technology, the desired depth and using high -quality building material. The foundation repair option is most often resorted to this option when it comes to an old wooden house.

In fact, an independent repair of the foundation at a wooden house is needed if the building itself is located in the often toned territory, which is the main reason for its destruction. Most often, such a foundation is the strip foundation. In this case, if the main reason for its deformation of soil abuse, then an ideal option is to increase the area of ​​the base of the strip foundation.

To do this, you will have to dig an additional trench 2 meters from the damaged section of the structure to the depth that is provided for this building. Basically, it is enough for this to scold no more than one meter. But, and less should not dig. After that, the surface of the spoiled area is cleaned, repaired, primed, then an anchor is installed.

In this case, their distance should not exceed 1.2 meters. After that, the reinforcing mesh is attached to them and only after that is poured with a concrete solution into a pre -installed formwork at a distance of 15 centimeters from the surface of the foundation base.

As soon as the concrete solution dries, its waterproofing is produced and everything is covered with earth. At the same time, the place of work is thoroughly trimmed with a wooden bar.

That’s all, as you see, nothing complicated. So that the main desire and if there is no need to repairs the entire foundation of a wooden house.

In another article, you can read how to insulate the foundation at home.