DIY developing board for a child

To protect the baby from all dangers in an apartment or house, sometimes this is a difficult and impossible mission for any parent. How to protect a small child? Suitable Biziborn or board for children with locks. This article will describe the process of making a board with your own hands.

For the first time, the locking board was demonstrated in public Maria Montesori in 1907. It is an integral part of the Montessori Methods for Children’s Development.

The lock with locks allows you to combine the pleasant with useful, play and develop such qualities of a child as: attention, fine motor skills, perseverance, quick wits and memory. She will help teach the child to open and close various locks, turn on and off the light, master the alphabet, account or even simple arithmetic, as well as tie and untie the laces. The purchased or made by yourself is suitable for babies from eight months to five years, depending on the configuration and filling.

What is a locking board

This item has many names, a developing board, a lock with locks or a Busy Board — English.) In Russia, an alternative name was invented for her: “control panel”, but the essence remains unchanged. Various elements are attached to the solid basis that attract the attention of the child in the house: locks, jokhokolds, various opening elements, buttons, chains, buttons, beads, etc. D. Fulfillment options are a huge number with any equipment (with removable and replaced elements, in a soft performance for babies and on a solid basis for older children) and sizes (from small square boards to full -fledged two -meter panels). In order for the baby to be more interesting, you can make a board with removable and replaced elements.

DIY boards assembly

The basis of a classic board with locks is made of wood, plywood or varnished chipboard. The size of such boards varies from a not large square board, which can be conveniently placed on the children’s table, to large panels up to two meters long.

The furniture shield is best suited as the basis. The material from which they are made is easier to process compared, for example, with a sheet of plywood. If you want to make a volumetric board in order to place any items in niches in the future, then you will need a back panel.

Tip: fix all the doors to two loops, otherwise it is likely that after a while they will cease to close.

For the manufacture of boards with locks you will need:

Small door loops.

Various door handles.

Tip: for boards, metal pens with a reliable mount is best suited.

Spinger (standard and small size).

Door hook.

The door chain.

Small bright lock with keys.

Material for fixing removable elements (tape, ribbon, chain, etc. D.).


Disk for typing from phone.

Rosette and switches.

Small lamp.


Tip: In order to reduce the volume of the call, it is recommended to wrap it with a soft cloth.

Steel corners for fastening the frame.

Self -tapping screws.

Doors manufacturing instructions with locks with your own hands

Process the shield with sandpaper, it should not have a burr;

Mark the shield, approximately placing all the elements on it;

Mark those places where it will be necessary to make doors and holes for attaching elements;

Prepare the material from which the shelves will be made;

Drill holes using a drill;

Process all edges with sandpaper;

Fix the boards with corners and screws;

Tip: Attach the door loops to the laminate bar, so they will be located in the same plane with the doors.

Attach all locks and latches using self -tapping screws;

Fix the lamp;

Shorten all the screws that are visible from the back so that the child does not get hurt;

Attach the handle if you plan to transfer the board;

Safety is above all

To ensure the safety of your child, one should not forget to adhere to the following rules:

The board should be fixed rigidly — to the wall, to the floor, to furniture or to the fact that the child will not be able to move and drop it on himself.

Be sure to process the base of the board so that there is no burr. Then you will be sure that the child does not grab the splinter or not get hurt.

If the board has sharp corners, try to comb them and make them rounded, if for some reason this is impossible, cover them with something soft, for example, foam rubber.

Check the reliability of fastening all parts, especially small. Then you will be sure that your child will not tear off and swallow the button, bead or cube.

Fasten the removable elements on tapes, gum chains or ribbons.

There are elements on your board that should glow or make sound? Then check that food for them is only from batteries.

The creation of a board with locks is a creative process that does not take much time and brings so much pleasure to you and your family. Every evening for a long time you will watch how your baby rejoices during the game, and the result of his development will not be long in coming.