We expand the territory of comfort!

Than recently, balconies have become for their owners? Why is the insulation of balconies — an effective technique? What is worth being afraid during this operation?

When many years ago people began to make something like a veranda or summer room from the balconies, by glazing, this caused, to put it mildly, a nervous reaction. Now it does not surprise anyone, almost everyone is doing it. In some places, even despite the actual ban on such architectural improvisations.

But today, many of our citizens, given the characteristics of the climate and the increase in energy prices, decided to go further. And began to insulate balconies. That is, to carry out certain work that would reduce heat loss from the balcony in winter. The effect is high enough. Even if living on the balcony itself is not very comfortable in winter, then in the room from which the exit to the balcony is definitely not cold in winter! After all, it is no longer on negative temperatures!

How can it be done? As an example, you can cite the resource Stroybalkon. . For many, in general, the fact that modern technologies can offer the owner of the apartment several options for insulation of the balcony may be a surprise. This is, firstly, the basic separation into internal and external insulation, and secondly, this is the use of various materials, both in the first and in the second case.

And, as always, for many stumbling stone is the price. A massive desire to save leads to the fact that many choose internal insulation due to its cheapness, which leads to the loss of the beneficial area of ​​the balcony and the appearance of condensate. It is noteworthy, the person forgets about those money that he managed to save, but the troubles that he now have is reminded of himself every day! But, unfortunately, this happens only later, when something is already difficult to redo.

And, of course, it is worth remembering what is better for carrying out these works, especially when it comes to external insulation, it is worth contacting professionals. And the quality is higher, and you should not risk life and health. If the condensate then will make you remember the savings with an unbearable quiet word, then broken limbs or a concussion — and even more so! And you should not forget the aesthetic side either. If internally, insulation can be seen only to you and the closest people, then errors in external insulation will be noticeable to all residents of the house, plus random passers -by!