The location of spotlights on the stretch ceiling and the way they are installed

Today, suspended ceilings are very popular, they are installed in premises for various purposes. This is due to a huge number of options for designer and classic models that make it possible to give the home a unique appearance.

It can be one — or multi -level ceiling structures made in various colors with built -in lighting technology.

The correct choice of basic lighting equipment and the competent location of spotlights on a stretch ceiling allows not only to achieve high-quality space lighting, but also to zone the room, as well as to highlight any interesting interior details or vice versa, to hide something in the shadows.

Types of lamps for spotlights





Energy -saving.

Important! When choosing lamps, experts recommend giving preference to halogen and LED devices, this is due to their low degree of heating and the efficiency of electricity consumption.

Differences in the location


a) the lamp is above the level of the canvas;

b) the lamp is drowned in a hinged ceiling, while the outer point of its flask is located flush with the canvas or slightly issued from it.

External — all technical details (base, wiring, etc. D.) hidden by the canvas, and the lamp or ceiling for the entire length protrudes on its outer part.


1. The usual equipment of the stretch ceiling with lighting vehicles is reduced to a combination of spotlights and chandeliers. If necessary, you can provide a sufficient level of lighting without a suspended electrical appliance, for this external spotlights are used. Being outside the ceiling, they are able to illuminate a large area than analogues with an internal location.

2. To increase the efficiency of zonal lighting, rotary light sources are used.


The minimum width of a protective skirt for a point lamp is 8 mm. This parameter is very important t. To. The protection of the canvas from heating depends on it.

Lighting devices located in the immediate vicinity of the suspended ceiling should have minimal heat release and, accordingly, a small power.

The maximum permissible limit

PVC canvas:

— incandescent lamps up to 40 watts;

— halogen up to 20 watts.

Fabric seamless canvas:

— incandescent lamps up to 60 watts;

— halogen up to 35 watts.

3. The smallest distance from the seams on the PVC film to the electric lights 20 cm.

4. With the internal location of the light source:

a) double thermal rings are necessarily installed;

b) the contact of the canvas and the luminaire body is unacceptable.

5. For rooms with high humidity, only sealed lighting sources are allowed to install.


1. Calculate the quantity and determine the location of lighting devices before installing the frame ceiling frame.

2. When choosing a section of the wiring, you should give preference to a cable with a power supply of at least 20% and with residents of the same material as the rest of the electrical wiring in the room.

3. For the safety of the structure, you should refuse to connect the wires with a twist, for these purposes, joints are used using terminals.

The base ceiling is marking.

The cable placed in the corrugation is divorced from the distribution box, according to the marking made.

In places of the future location of the lamps, the wire is made.

The adjustable racks for fixing lighting devices on the base ceiling is carried out. The thermal ring of the rack should strictly correspond to the planting diameter of the lighting device.

Adjusting bolts Fasten racks are set to one level with ceiling material.

Installation of lamps, their connection to the wiring and trial supply of energy is carried out. At this stage, you should make sure that the location of the lamps should be correctly selected and, if necessary, make any adjustments.

The canvas of the stretch ceiling is installed.

To exclude the deformation of the canvas, the reinforcing rings are attached to the locations of lighting sources, later the hole under the lamp is cut through in their inside.

Advice! When installing a large number of low -power lamps, connect an electrical circuit through a transformer. This will improve the work of the entire system and save electricity.