Layout of the tiles in the kitchen — select drawings, colors and sizes

To determine what the layout of the tiles will be, as well as its color and size, you need to also at the stage of repair planning. The tile can be the starting point of the transformation of the kitchen — set a certain style of the room or become a background for bright furniture and accessories.

How to put tiles in the kitchen — select the flooring

The video shows tiles for laying tiles on the wall

Of course, the color of the floor tile is important, but in this case it is necessary to put its practicality at the forefront. The tile should be resistant to mechanical damage, since any dishes that fell on the floor can easily damage it. In addition, since fat spots on the kitchen floor cannot be avoided, the material should be resistant to alkali, which contains almost all detergents. Size also matters — the larger the better. The fact is that the weakest places in the tiles posted are seams. It is under them that moisture can penetrate, which will over time lead to mold formation.

As for the color, it is better to give preference to neutral natural shades here. Do not choose a tile of “screaming” colors, even if it looks very attractive on a store counter. Most likely such a brightness will get tired very quickly and will begin to annoy. Do not take too dark tiles, since the slightest dust dust and scratches will be very noticeable on it. And, of course, the material should approach the design of the room, because what will be appropriate in a kitchen made in a modern style is unlikely to be suitable for classic interiors.

The floor for the floor should in no case be glossy — otherwise you can slip on it.

How to put tiles in the kitchen depends on your choice. In most cases, tiles are laid out according to the principle of «seam to seam». This styling method is quite simple, so you can do this work yourself. If a diagonal layout is planned, it is better to resort to the services of professionals. By the way, there is no point in putting tiles diagonally in small kitchens, since it can “play” to expand volumes only in spacious rooms. You can diversify the floor pattern by laying out the tile in a checkerboard pattern (and this does not have to be black and white tiles). Another way of laying the tile is “in a run”, that is, all elements are shifted relative to each other by several centimeters. This layout option looks equally advantageous both when laying out a plain and multi -colored floor.

To create any complex drawings, a computer program is often used to lay out the tiles. However, there is such a software of several thousand rubles, so it is most often used by professional designers. However, the pattern of the future layout can be created manually by marking it on millimeter paper on a comfortable scale.

Laying tiles in the kitchen — draw up «apron»

Video — laying tiles in the kitchen

Most often, this material in the kitchen is used only to create the so -called «apron». Several rows of tiles are laid in the working area — that is, above the stove, sink and countertop. Here, unlike gender, the design comes first place. A peculiar classic of the genre — white tiles — is suitable for almost any interior. Of course, completely white tiles look rather boring, so it can be diversified with separate fragments with drawings or whole ceramic panels. As an option — make the seams of the tiles with a peculiar accent, processing them with a grout of a contrasting color. However, the easiest way to supplement the “apron” with special stickers, which, if desired, are easily removed.

Colored tiles should “overlap” with any interior detail, whether it be kitchen facades or household appliances. Sometimes a tile of a contrasting color looks quite advantageous in a plain kitchen, but it must be “supported” by various accents — for example, textiles, kitchen utensils or individual furniture items.

An interesting option for designing a “apron” is a laying of mosaic tiles. This technique focuses on this part of the kitchen, especially when it comes to multi -colored mosaics. Therefore, in order not to “overload” the interior, furniture and the rest of the finish must be made in one, preferably non -core color. But the mosaic should not remain a “white sheep” — you also need to choose the appropriate accessories in its support.

The most popular way to lay out the tiles on the wall is the «seam in the seam». Such styling looks very good, and it is easy to do it yourself. The diagonal is much more difficult to lay out, but the method is “in a run” and is almost not used at all. Sometimes the “apron” drawing is complicated by combining the tiles of various formats. However, without experience, you should not take on such work, since it is quite difficult to do it efficiently. The dimensions of the tiles should be selected based on the size of the room. Large -format tiles are placed in large rooms, small tiles in small. In both cases, this technique works for a visual increase in volume.