Five reasons why it is worth buying plastic windows?

Does it make sense to change old windows to new, plastic? Would it not be less costly to repair existing? Such questions, making repairs, are asked by many.

Why is it worth buying plastic windows?

They protect the house from drafts. And the special valves installed in them create the possibility of micro -spacing of the room, not inferior to “breathing” wooden and in this matter.

There are other arguments in their favor.


Plastic windows will cost cheaper than wooden.

Properly installed, they will significantly reduce heat loss in winter and protect the room from overheating in summer. Heating costs, which for owners of private houses is especially important, will be significantly reduced.

This property also exempts from annual expenditures of time and money for window insulation.

The service life

Their service life is really long — under normal operating conditions for more than 30 years.

Water, ultraviolet rays, decay or lesion with microorganisms — everything that worsens the appearance of wooden frames does not leave on plastic and trace.


The question of changing windows usually rises when repairing the premises. A wide selection of colors will allow the window to harmoniously fit into the interior of the red -fined room. Thanks to lamination, you can get plastic of any color (black, green, red) or under a tree, stone or metal.

In order not to violate the integrity of the type of building, you can choose a unilateral lamination of the window in which the outer side is painted in the standard white, and the internal side — in the color suitable for the atmosphere of the room.

Simplicity of care

Plastic frames, unlike wooden, do not need regular painting, are not susceptible to decay, they do not start a fungus. Care for them is limited only by periodic washing from dust and dirt, and regular lubrication of loops to prevent the appearance of rust.


Street noise affects the comfort of housing. You can avoid interfering sounds using all the same plastic windows. Single -chamber double -glazed window can reduce the noise level by a quarter.

Now manufacturers offer frames with increased sound insulation, which can significantly reduce the level of sounds leaking into the apartment. Such windows are a find for residents standing along lively streets or near the airports and railway tracks of houses.

Environmental friendliness — the only argument that the manufacturers of wooden frames operate, has long ceased to be convincing. For better fire resistance and strength, the frame made of wood has to be treated with special solutions, after which it is not necessary to talk about their naturalness.

By contacting our company you can buy a PVC window or order PVC windows of excellent quality at democratic value.