Project of the frame house 6×9


Humanity has not yet invented anything better for the construction of a house than a tree, despite the opening of various modern building materials. In wooden houses, it breathes freely, lives comfortably, and the cost of building the house will be significantly lower, if you take a frame — a shield structure as a basis.

We also recommend reading an article on the topic — how to build a house cheaply, and now we continue:

Ways to build houses.

Surely, many owners of suburban sites thought about whether to build a house on their own or find any other way. It is worthwhile to take a closer look at all possible options.

1. The cheapest of them will be the performance of work on the construction of the house on their own. True, this method requires very large energy and time costs. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a project of the frame house 6×9, moreover, it is best to find out information about it on the Internet. Then you need to choose the necessary materials, and the construction itself is carried out with a clear implementation of all the necessary conditions. However, it is better not to perform independent construction to people who have no skills in this matter at all.

2. You can order a high -quality set of frame house abroad. However, often such houses are unimportant to the harsh conditions of winter in our country.

3. It is best to contact professionals and order the construction of the building to “turnkey” specialists. There are many opportunities to find an inexpensive team that will quickly do all the work.

Basic equipment at home.

When designing frame house 6×9, its basic configuration should be taken into account:

1) the foundation must be supportive and consist of concrete blocks;

2) for internal partitions on the ground floor and outer walls, a frame is used on both sides lined with lining, and mineral wool serves as a heater;

3) a roofing material is used as isolation material from moisture;

4) the floor on the ground floor is performed according to the principle of black flooring, insulated with mineral wool;

5) the frame should be the attic;

6) as roofing coatings you need to use galvanized steel and corrugated sheets;

7) as a double wooden window;

8) the roof must be knitted with lining;

9) the porch is made of strict material, and the fences on it from the strict bars;

10) the ceiling is better to pick up the lining;

In insulated frame houses, you can live all year round, and the low cost of the material explains their high popularity in our country.

We advise video on the topic: frame houses — about construction from SIP panel