The principle of operation and installation features

Bulky heating radiators are a thing of the past. The innovative warm floor system allows you to create a comfortable microclimate in the house without prejudice to the appearance of the rooms. When installing the system, you will only have to raise the floor level slightly, the rest of the elements will remain inconspicuous. If necessary, uniform economical heating of an apartment or house, you should choose a warm floor. You can buy a heating system at Elev Group.

The principle of work of warm floors

Warm floor is the best way to heat residential and non -residential premises. The system is considered one of the most economical.

When using this type of heating, the entire floor area turns into a battery, which evenly distributes heat around the room. The room warms up quickly, without requiring significant costs to pay for electricity.

The principle of operation of the heating of the floor is based on high indicators of thermal conductivity of some materials. When heating the screed and ceramic tiles, heat delay occurs. The material gives heat into the air, providing a comfortable temperature in the room.

Electricity is consumed when heating the floor. When a given temperature indicator is reached, the system will be disconnected. If the temperature in the room begins to fall, the warm floor will automatically resume heating.

In the offseason, this type of heating is indispensable. Especially when there are children or elderly people in the house. Communal enterprises do not always react to a decrease in air temperature in time. The warm floor will solve the heating problem, making you independent of unscrupulous suppliers of thermal energy.

Features of installation

There are two types of electric warm floor: cable and film. The principle of their installation is similar, but has some differences. Both types of systems are connected to the power supply system using a special cable. The cable system is of three types:

With heating sections

With a heating cable in a coil

With heating mats

In all three cases, electricity is converted into heat, heating the room. Sections are mounted in a cement-sand screed, and mats are laid on a layer of glue. Thin film floors can be mounted on the floor and on the walls, which increases the scope of their use. This type of system is suitable for all types of flooring. Reflecting material of the film repels converted electricity into heat. This type of warm sex can be used both the main and additional heat source.

Based on the materials of the site
