Ceiling wallpapers for painting — how to correctly decide on their choice

In order to choose ceiling wallpaper for painting, you will have to look for different information. Before going to a construction store, you will have to evaluate your desires and your financial capabilities, and our article, we hope, will allow you to understand a little in the variety of wallpaper used for painting.

Wallpaper on the ceiling for painting as the best choice of material

The video shows wallpapering for painting

I would like to note that such material is a real salvation for many, since by gluing the wallpaper once, the next few years can simply be repainted in a suitable color without carrying out tedious and long work to replace the material

True, the choice of such finishing material is complicated, since wallpaper manufacturers offer their customers a wide variety of options. They are mainly divided into several types:


a non -woven material with vinyl spraying;

glass wallpaper — the most modern proposal in the construction market.

In our article, we will try to make out which materials are more suitable for certain rooms, as well as what pros and cons they have.

Suitable material for painting wallpaper on the ceiling

Wallpaper for painting — video

There are different ceiling wallpapers for painting, but among them the most of all stands out several types. So, for example, these are non -woven and glass wallpaper. First of all, they are popular in that they can easily hide small flaws in the form of cracks that can be on the surface. Secondly, it is worth considering their basis. So, if you paint the material several times, but simple paper wallpapers immediately disappear — they will simply peel off, but the non -woven or glass wallpaper will be just right.

There are several more types, which are also often mentioned by consultants in stores. For example, vinyl are almost similar to non -woven, but have an increased level of reliability and quality, so you can wash them without fear without fear of the quality of the material and the appearance of the coating.

Painting ceiling wallpaper in different rooms

Children’s. Of course, caring and loving parents usually choose a duplex in the nursery, since it is safe for small children. Despite the fact that the “resources” of such wallpapers are short -lived, they still are incredible popular, especially if you have no desire to cross and repaint them constantly — this is the best choice. In addition, do not forget about the paint — it should also be environmentally friendly.

Kitchen. If you are going to glue in the kitchen, then it is better to choose the most durable of all types of materials, since it will most likely have to wash them more often than usual, it is either vinyl or non -woven wallpaper. And all because with their help you can paint more than 10 times, not spoiling neither the appearance nor the quality. True, it should be borne in mind that the paint itself is very affected by the operation of the operation, so choose it wisely. In any case, do not forget to ask the consultants of the construction store, what paint you should take in one case or another.

Toilet and bathroom. In general, this kind of “makeup” is rarely chosen into premises of this kind, since the humidity in them is usually very high. But if you have decided to take such a step, then buy fiberglass material better, because it will calmly transfer both high temperatures and humidity. And then there is one remark — such wallpapers require specialized coloring products, before pasting, you must definitely go through a primer with an anti -inflammatory effect. But the removal of such “makeup”, if it gets tired of you in some time, seems to be quite complicated, so think better several times before choosing them.

Ceiling wallpapers for painting — several important nuances

When choosing which of the materials it is best for you to get, do not forget that non -woven wallpaper when pasting is not impregnated with glue, applying it only to the wall. This is especially important when carrying out finishing work with the ceiling, since such repair work is very complex and laborious.

Now you were convinced that before choosing this material you need to initially imagine what amount of work will need to be completed, and after that make any final decision.