Ceiling tiles — create durable and reliable coatings

Today foam ceiling tiles are used for decoration in many rooms. It has good operational characteristics and is characterized by low cost. For expensive and exquisite interiors, of course, they do not use it. But for facing ceilings in kindergartens, apartments, medical institutions, it is considered quite suitable. Below we will describe in more detail its properties and the method of application.

Foam ceiling tiles — how to choose it correctly?

Foam tiles — video

Before buying this material, it is important to find out what kind of species it is. The tiles are divided into three following types: pressed, injection, extruded. They are made of polystyrene foam, but in different ways. Pressed tiles have a thickness of about 7 mm. The drawing is granular. The thickness of the injecting tiles is about 10-13 mm. The materials of the format group of companies are the best — ceiling tiles made in their factories have a deep and clear pattern, the correct and exact geometric shape. Extruded is made by painting a polystyrene strip. It should be smooth, not having any granularity.

Also regardless of the species, it is important to look at some other parameters. The corners and edges should be even. The presence of any rounding or Zamyatin is not allowed. In addition, you can fold the tiles in a column and check whether the edges coincide. It is also worth looking at the material itself. Granularity over the entire surface of the tile should be the same. The edges or other parts should not be crumpled or fall off. Checking it is simple. If you purchase a stamped tile, then take it by the edge and shake it. High -quality material will not break under its weight.

What are the advantages of ceiling tiles?

How to glue ceiling tiles diagonally shown on the video

Thanks to the cellular structure of the foam, a low tile density is provided, as well as good heat — and sound insulation. Other undeniable advantages include:

Light weight, because the tile is simply glued to the surface of the ceiling.

Great decorative properties. Tile will hide small cracks and potholes.

A variety of colors.

Durability. Tiles retaining qualities and color for a long time (on average, the term of use may be 10 years).

Good properties for insulation and sound insulation.

How to glue tiles on the ceiling?

Before sticking the tile, it is important to prepare the surface and glue. The best for gluing are the mixtures “Moment”, “Eco-Naset”, “Titan”. They provide good clutch with the surface. «Moment» dries quickly enough, but has a high price. Also, if you are going to use the “moment”, you need to additionally use the sealant. The recipe for making any of the listed compositions is written on the package.

At the second stage, they begin to prepare the base. That is, the ceiling is as follows from the past finishing material, all kinds of pollution. It is also worth removing various spots from fat and rust. Next, the ceiling is aligned with putty. If it is lined with chipboard or plywood, then it must be additionally primed. This will protect the base from excessive moisture. Then heed tiles pointily with glue. It is advisable to apply it diagonally — from each corner. To properly glue the tiles, it is important to pay attention to where the chandelier is located, that is, the visual center of the room.

In the event that the chandelier is right in the center, then glue the tiles can be started from this point. If the chandelier is located a little differently, it is better to apply the material “row by a row”. That is, they also start from the chandelier and bring to the edge of the wall. The remains of the tiles are cut off. At the final stage, the ceiling skirting boards are glued, it should be the same color as the tile itself. Due to the skirting board, the cut edges are hidden. Glued with the same composition that was used for tiles. It is necessary to calculate its amount based on the perimeter of the room.

Remember! In order for the tile to retain its properties for a long time, it is better if you hang a chandelier and at a distance of 25 centimeters from the surface of the ceiling, this will warn the tile from melting and burnout.