Preparation of grapes for winter — how can you protect it from harsh frosts?

In Russia, a fairly harsh climate makes us prepare in advance for the winter period. In addition to performing a number of important points and procedures, you must also choose the best time so that your grape bush does not freeze or not overheated in the conditions created for it.

The main points of preparation of the vineyard for winter

If the grapes were carefully treated throughout the last season, then such bushes can easily be able to transfer harsh winters. Actively preparing for frosts, you need to start in the spring in order to prevent diseases. It is necessary to wait until the wood completely grows.

To avoid weakening of grapes by winter, it must be carefully examined, treated for fungal diseases, cut off a dead or spoiled vine. You should also regularly treat the shrub after harvesting with chemicals, fungicides. This enables the plant to gain strength for the future fruiting season.

Do not forget about the shelter of grapes for the winter. Since the internal temperature directly depends on how beneficial nutrients your plant will spend to ensure a healthy life cycle. Fertilize with mineral and organic means throughout the entire period of maturation and growth. Thus, you can provide the roots and branches of the vineyard with the necessary amount of beneficial substances, which will accompany the rapid growth of young shoots with the onset of spring.

The branches of the vine with a diameter of 6-13 mm, in which the core reaches the only third part of the vine, perfectly tolerate winter colds. Such branches are guaranteed to have a sufficient supply of nutrients, which means that winter will not be terrible for them.

The appearance of wood can also be judged whether the grapes will withstand the winter period. If wood is dark brown, cracked, but does not break, then it has grown enough for wintering. If the branches have a greenish tint, then in the fall they need to be cut off. Such lashes will not be able to withstand large frosts on the basis, and can also cause fungal diseases or become covered with mold on shelter.

Stages of ripening of grape wood

It is necessary to choose only those grape varieties that are more suitable for your region;

constantly monitor the state of the vineyard;

fertilize the grape bush with minerals, potassium, ash;

Often cut off the extra branches;

monitor the load of clusters on the branches of the vine;

In the summer, do not forget to remove fertilizers with nitrogen to stop building the green mass of the stem layers;

In the fall, be sure to cut all the shoots, starting from the fifteenth sheet.

Cut the shoots you need to start only when the growth of grapes stops. By the straightened tops of the vine, we learn that the plant ceased to develop. But if the tops are mainly twisted, this means that the grapes are in the process of active growth. Therefore, you need to mint the bush when both even and twisted tops of the vine appear.

What else needs to be done before insulation

If the whole summer period you carefully and carefully monitored the grape bush, retained him a healthy appearance, then it should be noted that autumn is the best time to prepare a vineyard for shelter for the winter. Before shelter, all unnecessary shoots should be cut off, cut the roots and carry out the necessary supply of moisture.

After the crop has been harvested, you need to let the plant get stronger. A quick pruning can only harm the plant, so experts say that you need to start cutting branches at the first frosts on the basis somewhere at the end of October.

The main task of circumcising the old sprouting branches is to get rid of patients of weak vines. Eliminating damaged branches, in their place leave the fruit arrow, as well as a substitution knot.

Next, you should perform the catarrh, remove the roots of the vineyard growing on the surface of the soil. This is done so that the deep roots gain strength, strengthen.

To do this, you need to do the following:

cut all roots at the level of the main root;

Dig a hole around the stem to 20 cm deep;

Pour dry sand into the hole;

on the sections, carry out processing with copper sulfate;

pour the vineyard, thoroughly water.

Water the grape bush is important, especially in the autumn, before wrapping. But if, the fall was rainy enough, then do not abuse with watering.

How to cover a grape bush for the winter

After you have finished cutting the branches and catarries, you must start laying grape bushes. In order to harden the grape vine as best as possible before winter — it is necessary to give the plant openly in the first days of frost.

The grape vine, processed branches can be removed and accurately laid on the soil surface, can be strengthened using stationery brackets. Under the bottom, it is necessary to lay a carpet from dry leaves, trimmed branches or spruce. And cover with wooden shields on top, then cover with tarpaulin, roofing material or polyethylene. The main thing is that it is waterproof material. At the end throw a rag, slightly fill in the earth.

It is important to remember! On the south side of the shelter, you can slightly open grapes in order to give it the opportunity to ventilate and not rot. But as soon as the frosts get stronger, you need immediately, tightly cover the grape bush.

Now you know exactly how to protect the vineyard in winter from frost. It must be remembered that as soon as spring comes, the indicators of the plus air temperature mean that it is time to remove the winter coating and immediately tie the young shoots to the trellis.